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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Media : Miscellaneous

Oct 20 9am Your Voice is Needed for Public Access TV

"We the people demand a final negotiation of the Comcast contract before a final vote by the City Council"

Public Hearing before the Board of Estimates on the Proposed Contract with Comcast Cable: Public Access TV hangs in the Balance
Wednesday, Oct. 20, 9:00 AM
City Hall, 100 N. Holliday St.
WHAT: Public Hearing before the Board of Estimates on Proposed Contract with Comcast

WHEN: Wednesday, Oct. 20, 9:00 AM

WHERE: City Hall, 100 N. Holliday St.

Here's the Deal A bad 12-year contract has been negotiated between the Mayor and Comcast with scant public input. It does not say explicitly that part of the 5% franchize fee should be dedicated for the Public Access TV. Instead, the franchise fee money will go into the City general fund never to be seen again. History shows that a contract with no dedicated funding is a death knell for Public Access TV. The City Council, which supposedly represents the people, only has an up or down vote on the contract.

If true, we must tell the City Council to "Vote No on the Comcast contract. Comcast will re-negotiate the minor refinements we want, because they don't care whether their franchise fee goes directly to Public Access or into the general budget. This time let the people have a voice during the final negotiation."

The more supporters who attend, the more it will be obvious to the Mayor and the rest of the Board of Estimates (BOE)that Baltimore's citizens (and constituents) care about public access and want dedicated funding in the new 12-year contract. Show the BOE that Baltimore deserves a real public access station!

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