Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism

Baltimore Anarchist Community List

A new e-mail mailing list has been set up towards fostering communication and aiding building a more supportive Baltimore Anarchist Community.
A new e-mail mailing list has been set up towards fostering communication and aiding building a more solid Baltimore Anarchist Community.

This list is for anyone interested in radical anti-authoritarian events and organizing.

The list exists for organizers to promote events, protests, shows, benefits, workshops, etc... but also to post calls for support, submissions, mutual aid. To announce new collectives and projects, to let people know about existing projects and collectives, and to post articles or information about, by and of interest to Anarchist persons in and around Balitmore.

The list is not a discussion list, so it is low traffic. To subscribe or to submit something to post e-mail

love and revolution

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