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News :: Civil & Human Rights



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Announcement :: Activism

Protest Bush and the war in DC

Join us for the continuing protests against Bush and his war...

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Announcement :: War in Iraq

Christian pacifism

free book on Christian pacifism and objection to war and military service

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News :: Baltimore MD

Taking to the streets against the Bush agenda

A brief piece about the protest on November 3 at the Washington monument.

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LOCAL Commentary :: Activism : Protest Activity

Boycott the Counter-Inaugural

This commentary suggests moving beyond the ephemeral tactic of street protests, and investing that energy into building lasting agents of change. Progressive and radical voices should boycott the January Inaugural and doing something truely "radical."

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/5/04)


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LOCAL News :: Activism

Update on Reclaim the Streets Part Deux

Update on RTS.

All seven arrested released from jail with no charges filed.

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LOCAL News :: Elections & Legislation

WBAL Story on Nov. 3rd Protest

So this is what they call journalism? Pretty much the story equates us with kids, idiots, not really knowing what we are doing and vandals.

And they wonder why this country is so fucked up.

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Commentary :: [none]

Post-Election Reflections

Cliff DuRand offers reflections on the election of George W. Bush as president of the USA. DuRand asks if this USA is the country in which he has been a citizen.

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News :: Elections & Legislation


Here we go again. Some of you will be sick of this topic and to those of you who are I ask that you get over the desire to be infotained and deal with the unpleasant reality: that the American voting system is totally bogus. What is contained in this post is of interest to anyone that believes that justice cannot be served without a full disclosure of the level of corruption in almost every corner of our political, governmental, and journalistic behemoth. Voting machines made by right wingers is not a 'fair and balanced' approach. It's a relative no-brainer but many will want to continue inhabiting a fantasy, o­ne in which everything is alright and o­ne hundred thousand dead Iraqis in the past two years just don't matter or, because we don't have to stare at them first hand, simply aren't real.

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