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Baltimore IMC

News :: Baltimore MD

Taking to the streets against the Bush agenda

A brief piece about the protest on November 3 at the Washington monument.
Approximately 75 people took to the streets to speak out against the Bush administration's re-election. A large group of people marched while a smaller group, less than 10 people, stood at street corners with signs and banners. Both groups were outnumbered by their police escorts.

Amongst the people who marched some carried signs and puppets, while others sang and chanted. The overwhelming theme was that Bush's reelction was not the "mandate" that the administration claimed they had received from the American people. The march route took people through various parts of the city around the Mt. Vernon area. And while the protestors crossed many streets, there were not any efforts to block traffic.

At one point a passerby stopped to ask several marchers what was the next step since Bush won, and the reply was keep up the pressure on the adiministration, and keep a presence in the streets so that people know dissent is alive and well. These sentiments reflected those shared by other marchers who thought it was important to show up at the demonstration and voice their support depsite hearing about the march at the last minute.

Although there was a large police force present, on foot, on horse, on bike, on motorcylce, and in helicopter there were no arrests during the march.

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