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Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Commentary :: Activism : Protest Activity

Boycott the Counter-Inaugural

This commentary suggests moving beyond the ephemeral tactic of street protests, and investing that energy into building lasting agents of change. Progressive and radical voices should boycott the January Inaugural and doing something truely "radical."

More of the Same

The idea of a January Counter-Inaugural seems like more of the same, a lot of heat and no light. This tired old idea prompts me to think "So what? Count me out."

We need new approaches

The right has taken over the Country, in part, because they've built tangible tools with which to educate, organize, and energize the grass roots. For example, they control the AM talk show air waves. Their evangelical radio stations charge a small fee to air wedding anniversary announcements, birthdays, and other congradulatory messages for a small fee, and do you know what? They have lasting institutions, while the left expends immense amounts of energy on ephemeral "actions."

Case in Point

The fact that only 40-50 people showed up to "protest in the streets!" on Wednesday Nov 3 should tell us something. The masses aren't ready to rise up, because they still need to be educated. The right-wing megaphones are drowning out the left, because the right has invested for over a decade in building the infrastructure to get out their message.

Now, are we going to mount yet another demonstration? Been there, done that. It ain't working.

beyond protest banner.gif
Boycott the Counter-Inagural

A Radical New Approach

If the effort that went into organizing a counter-inaugural went into institutionalizing a small, lasting building-block, the left would be making progres. We can do better than organizing yet another "reaction." We can create something that supports our long-term struggle.

Rather than waste time organizing a counter-inaugural, lets organize a well-publicized campaign that says the following (or something else that builds lasting tools for our movement):

"We choose not to waste our time at the Inauguration.

1) Instead of another protest or talking to the converted, we will identify geographic areas where people are likely to be receptive to progressive ideas,

2) We will craft an information campaign that includes the founding of three local radio stations in those geographic areas,

3) Establish a dedicated funding mechanism to support the three radio stagions in perpetuity, and

4) Execute the campaign on Inaguration Day with great fanfare and solidarity across many groups that oppose the radical right-wing agenda."

A Lasting Legacy Instead of One More Demonstration

When the counter-inaugural campaign is over, we would leave behind (pick your number) three new radio stations, and a new message to the world: "We are moving beyond ephemeral protests. Instead, We're channeling our limited time and energy to build tangible, lasting institutions upon which our multi-generational struggle will rest."

The left will continue to get it's ass kicked if it doesn't wise up and invest in something real and lasting, instead of investing in parade permits and making signs that end up as floxam in the Washingon, DC grabage pails.

I'm Boycotting the Counter-Inaugural

Street protest methods have their place at some time in the future. At this time we need to build more tangible tools to generate a meaningful ground swell. I'm tired of wasting my time and watching others waste their time on ephemeral street protests. Aren't you tired of wasting your time too?

I am boycotting a counter-inaguration that doesn't build something that is lasting.

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