Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL News :: Activism

Update on Reclaim the Streets Part Deux

Update on RTS.

All seven arrested released from jail with no charges filed.
As of late evening Wednesday night all seven individuals arrested during the Reclaim the Streets event had been released from jail. No charges were filed against any of those arrested. One individual was a minor and was released into the custody of their parents.

Literally the first arrest came because of someone dancing in the street. Those that followed were a string of reactions to the police tackling someone for no apparent reason. The three arrests that happened nearly 2 hours after the events end appear to be nothing more than appearance related. The police saw a group of individuals dressed a certain way, detained them and then threw them in jail for a day.

Starting around noon on Wednesday afternoon people gathered outside of central booking to await the release of their friends and comrades. People brought vegan chili, pasta, juice and their friendly embrace to welcome those as they were released from their holding cells.

Around 7:30pm as the first of those arrested were being released a group of about 15 to 20 people broke off of the Beyond Voting demonstration and joined others waiting outside the jail in solidarity. Coming out jail those arrested had about 30 smiling faces to look at, good food to eat and many arms providing support.

The Reclaim the Streets event energized those in attendance to organize similar events. In a meeting quickly following the action it was discussed to begin organizing for the next one. With an organizing base that has grown to over 30 people, this Reclaim the Streets action is sure to be the first of many yet to come.

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