Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


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Commentary :: Class

Share the Wealth...Protect Retirement By Creating a REAL Ownership Society


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News :: Protest Activity

DC Counter-Inauguration Events Overview - Great Video

This article is from the Wash. DC IMC posted by

The Mainstream media left out the thousands who protested the re-inauguration of GWBush on Jan20. Pulling in audio and imagery from folks who were there we re-present what happened in DC on January 20. Thanks to all who attended and contributed!

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Announcement :: Miscellaneous

When Bush Comes to Shove


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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

The Ehrlich Report

A regular commentary on public affairs. This month--an alternative to the president's state of the union address.

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Announcement :: Animal Rights

Please, help Spanish bulls, they are cruelty killed in bullfigths!

About Spanish bullfights, the bulls are tortured in The name of Art!

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Review :: Civil & Human Rights : History : International Relations : Military : Right Wing


Absurd thought dominates the "angels of our better selves" (“angels of better self” stolen from Abraham Lincoln)

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (02/17/05)


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News :: Civil & Human Rights

The Intolerable Conviction of Lynne Stewart

"I see myself as being a symbol of what the people rail against when they say our civil liberties are eroded. This case could be, I hope it will be, a wakeup call to all of the citizens of this country and all of the people who live here that you can’t lock up the lawyers. You can’t tell the lawyers how to do their job. You’ve got to let them operate. And I will fight on. I am not giving up. I know I commited no crime. I know what I did was right."

Attorney Lynne Stewart, after her Feb. 10 conviction on felony charges

In April 2002, then U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft personally announced to the news media that the government had indicted radical civil rights attorney Lynne Stewart on serious charges of "conspiracy, providing material support to terrorists and defrauding the U.S. government."


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News :: Protest Activity

Christo Art in NY City an Important Message to America

7,500 frames with "orange" cloth blowing in the wind.
America..... the answer is "Blowing in the Wind".

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Commentary :: Military

The Changing Principles Of War

By: Bill Gallagher
1675 Words

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