Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Miscellaneous

When Bush Comes to Shove

Youth Organizing Against Right-Wing and Corporate Power
March 11-13 New York City

Conference flyers:

Mark your calendars! Start planning your trip today!

The Young Democratic Socialists (YDS) are hosting a national conference in New York City from March 11-13. entitled "When Bush Comes to Shove: Youth Organizing Against Right-Wing and Corporate Power." It will bring together activists from across the country for workshops, trainings, great speakers, partying and more. This is a unique opportunity to meet YDS members and friends to discuss how best to challenge the Bush agenda and build a long-term movement for social justice.

Conference sessions will cover critical topics ranging from the theory and practice of democratic socialism, feminist politics, challenging right-wing rhetoric, Iraq and U.S. foreign policy, student-labor solidarity, anti-racist organizing, counter-military recruitment, capitalism and the economy, left-wing media, inter-generational activist dialogue, the nuts and bolts of grassroots organizing, chapter building, the future of the left, and more. Workshops and panels will feature activists and trainers working in trade-unions, in the peace movement, in social justice student organizations, as noted progressive scholars, and other voices from the democratic left.

Those who attend "When Bush Comes to Shove" will come away with valuable skills and concrete resources for campus and community organizing, a deeper understanding of systems of oppression and exploitation, a vision of the better world we are struggling to create everyday, and strategies for beating the Bush agenda of corporate greed, endless war, intolerance and cutbacks in needed public programs.

The conference opens with a plenary discussion on Friday evening at 7pm (March 11th), followed by a reception. Saturday will begin at 10:00am and go until an evening panel. There will be a free party open to all conference-goers Saturday night. On Sunday, there will be interactive skills trainings and a closing session in mid-afternoon.

We're committed to ensuring that everyone who wants to come is able to attend. We'll be offering limited travel scholarships and housing assistance for those coming from out of town. Please consider fundraising or requesting funds from your Student Government Association to help cover costs. If you are coming from out of town and are in need of a ride, let us know and we can check to see if others planning to attend in your area can offer you one. If you live in New York City, or have friends/family that can house additional conference attendees from out of town, please notify us. If you are planning to attend or have any questions send us an email at:

A special conference pre-registration discount cost of $20 is available to all those who register before midnight, Friday, March 4th. For those who register after March 4th, the conference is $30. Registration costs include free breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday, in addition to extensive resource materials provided to all conference participants. Please contact us if you have special financial circumstances.

The Friday opening plenary and registration will be located at American Federation of Musicians - Local 802, 322 West 48th Street (between 8th & 9th Aves). Saturday and Sunday activities will be located at the Bayard Rustin High School for the Humanities located at 351 West 18th Street (between 8th & 9th Aves).

For many of you in school, March 11 marks the beginning of your spring semester vacation. Please keep this in mind when planning your trip to New York, as you will probably not need to rush back to campus once the YDS conference is over. The timing is perfect. "When Bush Comes To Shove" can be part of your alternative, socialist spring break! For those planning to stay in New York City beyond March 13th, we can let you know of other cultural and political events and sites of interest to young leftists around the city.

See you in NYC from March 11-13!

Check for more upcoming details. Online registration will be up and running by mid-February.

Our "Life After Bush" conference last year brought over 300 people to NYC for a number of workshops, trainings and great speakers like Cornel West, Leslie Cagan, Doug Henwood, Francis Fox Piven and more. See the report from last year's national conference:

Help spread the word!
Send the conference info above to friends, progressive listservs and fellow activists. You can also download and print out flyers to put up around your campus or community. You might want to write your local contact info on the flyer so that other interested people can coordinate their trip to NYC with you.

Please contact us if you have questions or need help planning your trip.

Young Democratic Socialists
c/o DSA 198 Broadway, Suite 700
New York, NY, 10038
office: (212) 727-8610
fax: (212) 608-6955

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