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Commentary :: Military

The Changing Principles Of War

By: Bill Gallagher
1675 Words

The Principles of War are changing at a frenetic pace. Most of this change is attributable to technological advance. Perusal of patent documentation pertaining to technology with military applications will allow anyone interested to perceive this graphically. That information should be required reading for all students of Military History in the United States. A majority of the technological advances throughout the twentieth century, and now beyond, can be laid on the doorstep of War. This phenomenon proceeds thud-a-gallop, with no end in sight. It is probable only the direct and near total destruction of the technology developed since the 1950s, and its supporting energy grid, could reverse this trend. It is impossible for The Principles of War NOT to change, and much of this change has actually been occurring covertly, for the last 5 decades, or longer.

“The most important thing in war will always be the art of defeating our opponent in combat.” Carl Von Clausewitz. No longer is this so. Co-opting the opponent, and thereby acquiring his unharmed assets, has become the order of the day. This I choose to call humanitarianism, but it is actually an orientalization. It is less concerned with Principles of War, and more the Art of War. This has not been accomplished in one leap, but gradually. Trends in combat weaponry bear this out, as well as many other aspects of military endeavor. There is becoming a stark departure evident; less scorched-earth-total-annihilation, more overtaking through stealth and deception, or managed perception, with the goal of transferring an enemies assets to the conquerors agenda. Modern warfare is becoming more long term, so that, in the best case scenario, the enemy is incapable of seeing the attacker, and is thereby rendered incapable of defending itself. This allows the attacker to avoid the expense of front line confrontations, and to steer its own defensive energies away from guarding itself, into more immediately productive arenas.

In line with awareness of this new type of warfare come many other realizations, none of them actually coincident to The Principles Of War as they have been taught historically. The most effective weapon that can be used against an enemy in modern warfare is its own Currency. It has been shown that law and equity become firmly bound whenever a currency possesses an endurance which allows this to develop, and if a power other than those governed creates the currency and law, then the governed are no longer sovereign. Lawmaking is directly related to a Nations Currency, its Money. It is therefore of prime importance to any power interested in covert takeover of a perceived enemy. Pursuing one great decisive aim with force and determination is no longer necessary, or even prudent. Simple determination will do, as has been shown in the various theaters of modern warfare where control of a nations currency was at stake. Once a nations currency is secured, either overtly or covertly, the combat is over, and the conqueror and the vanquished become well defined quickly. The conquered nations military then simply becomes a tool of the conqueror. This generally has a much greater longevity than other types of victory.

Warfare today has become very big business, and it is not going too far out on a limb to say warfare is running the economy. This is the result of a lesson learned from experience. The greatest economic successes of America have been during, and post war. The Principles of War as they have been expounded cannot accommodate a philosophy such as this. No longer is expediency revered, but a kind of slow destruction with immediate reconstruction occurring.

As law and equity have become bound together, so have politics and military power. Eisenhower warned us about this when he wrote: "In the councils of government we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist." This has not only occurred, but has been exacerbated by certain agencies of the government-military apparat securing for themselves, gradually, and over extended periods of time, certain nonaccountability, or at least great access to contrived and prepared plausible deniability.

Black Operations are the foot-in-the-door for attackers who wish to conquer a nation covertly, by taking control of its currency and lawmaking. Black Operations are generally nonaccountable and it is exceptionally difficult to divorce a salaried man from the delusions of grandeur which are intrinsic to many powerful positions of black operations worldwide. A conqueror may enter a country by back door this way, if the plan is extended and well planned, without anyone noticing. It is a matter of historical record. Black Operations open all sorts of doors concerning funding and personal power, and is quite literally liaison between politics and other power of all types, including but not limited to Organized Crime. Actual sabotage of world events has become common place by many of these nonaccountable agencies. Viciousness rules on a small scale, but its effects are felt for miles and miles and years and years.

This all dovetails with another most important aspect of modern warfare which is perception management. Correctly utilized, perception management, by propagating faulty information sources to the governed, and their military forces, will undermine a nations ability to fend for itself in no uncertain terms. This has been practiced by some agencies of the United States government in overseas psychological warfare theaters. Control of the media is essential to this, whether it be established media, or new media created for the purpose. The statements of Clausewitz to His Prince, stating that erudition is not entirely necessary to combat, must be disregarded as concerns modern warfare. In modern warfare erudition is THE weapon, the only weapon, in a theater of war where lines between warring factions have become blurred almost beyond the point of recognition. The weapons of perception management are Stress Induction through disinformation, deception, economic pressures, health pressures, surveillance, and of course control of the broadcast media. Weapons AGAINST perception management are mass communications among individuals, counter intuition, relentless information gathering and checking, and counter-deception.

“The theory of warfare tries to discover how we may gain a preponderance of physical forces and material advantages at the decisive point.” Von Clausewitz. Today, in modern warfare, decisive points are, more often than not, Created, with none being the wiser. Decisive points are no longer restricted to the battlefield, nay, decisive points more often occur on paper. Consider the gargantuan loss of farmland by America in the 70’s, as farmers were talked into financing large amounts of new equipment, then were legislatively restricted in selling their crops, so that many defaulted, losing farms that had been in their families for generations. That particular combat was the most damaging defeat America has ever suffered, AND on American soil. There was no preponderance of physical forces and material advantages at the decisive point. None. And the victory by the conqueror was complete and final, and unperceived even by those who were the actual casualties! Definitions of the enemy itself has become farcical, and irrelevant, as concerns the welfare of the American people. This is what one should expect once the level of perception management reaches a certain maturity. When perception management extends over several generations, the vast majority whose information sources have been restricted are not only severely disadvantaged, but actually retarded in their abilities to pierce the veil of a carefully crafted but totally erroneous reality. Their true instincts for self preservation have become extensively and fundamentally damaged, so that they cannot even see what is good for themselves. This is the optimum result of a successful attack through perception management. As Ray Bradbury is known to say: "You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture, just get people to stop reading them."

Finally, a majority of the technology being developed and actively deployed today, irrevocably changes the Principles of War. ENMOD, Atmospheric Engineering techniques, allow computer operators hundreds and thousands of miles away to create siege conditions over whole countries. In fact, Russia re-pioneered this Tesla technology first, and had been experimenting on us regularly from the 60's through the 80's! Drought, excessive UV, and Many other damaging environmental conditions are now available at the push of a button. By-products of this technology allow total surveillance with exceptional clarity and security, anyplace, and anytime, even well below ground, as well as deployment of Directed Energy Weapons detectable by certain esoteric electronic means, but otherwise perfectly covert, and extremely damaging, especially when utilized over the long term, or in conjunction with biological technology developed for just that purpose. Robotics and Drones will soon replace the actual soldier, except for special forces, and operators, and though that may be hard to accept, I assure you that information is top notch and the result of decades of personal research. If one knows where to look, it is plainly evident here in this occupied theater of the USA, right now. Never before has so much happened in so short a time within Americas Military History. The pace of this change continues to accelerate daily. The Principles of War hitherto considered inviolate must be incorporated when possible, or relegated to the obsolete, otherwise maximum advancement becomes limited.

It is possible, if not probable, that these changes in the Principles of War are, due to future and inevitable public outrage, prelude to the end of war on Earth, with the removal of war to the realm of the infinite, war on the vast and extremely brutal realm of outer space. That will be a fitting and productive war, a never ending war perfectly suited to our nature, instinct, experience, curiosity, and basic hunger as a total organism. This will eventually replace the present day and barbaric mindset of simple animals preying upon each other, and cause a true Humanity to form, each and every member of which is a true and distinct rarity among the vast unfathomable emptiness of the infinite abyss.

Bill Gallagher is an Autodidact well removed from most systems of conditioning and indoctrination.

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