Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Review :: Civil & Human Rights : History : International Relations : Military : Right Wing


Absurd thought dominates the "angels of our better selves" (“angels of better self” stolen from Abraham Lincoln)
Even though, most of know what the word ABSURD stands for, let’s make triple sure [in the words of Macbeth: (“Then live, Macduff: what need I fear of thee? But yet I'll make assurance double sure, And take a bond of fate: thou shalt not live;
That I may tell pale-hearted fear it lies, And sleep in spite of thunder.”) – quite befitting, you’ll see]

As far as the absurd goes, let’s start with Noah Webster: ADJECTIVE:
1. Ridiculously incongruous or unreasonable. See Synonyms at foolish.
2. Of, relating to, or manifesting the view that there is no order or value in human life or in the universe.
3. Of or relating to absurdism or the absurd.
The condition or state in which humans exist in a meaningless, irrational universe wherein people's lives have no purpose or meaning. Used chiefly with the.

Now for the meat of the topic, “pre-natal autopsy”. Is that an absurd or is that an absurd? Most certainly is. Let’s examine some “far-fetched” possibilities: suppose my wife is to give birth to Satan. She’s 6 months pregnant. The fetus has already grown legs, arms, ears and now looks like a human fetus. But we know that Satan can take all shapes and sizes. So how do we make sure? We kill Satan and we simply subject my stil living wife to an autopsy. To perform this autopsy (in a pre-natal state), we first must butcher my wife to get to the fetus (which we suspected was Satan).

Best possible outcome: Yes it was Satan, my wife is dead, so is Satan.

Middle of the road outcome: It is a human child but it has deformed pointy ears, and hooves instead of feet – very badly deformed child – my wife is dead.

Worst possible outcome: it was a normal child, both the child and my wife are dead.

QUESTION: At what point do we perform a pre-natal autopsy? Who is authorized to surmise that Korea, Iran, Iraq, are probable Satans and send thousands of our boys overseas to perform this pre-natal autopsy?

The essence of liberty allows all of us to ask questions, even to doubt the most authoritative sources. So we ask. However, there are times when we get sanctioned (punished, dismissed, fired, reprimanded, penalized) for asking on account of some dogmatic school or another. Just look at the very recent fury over Botox, Merck and FDA. One whistle-blower doctor and the gates of Hell get opened. For my money, our current president George W. Bush is one of the best leaders we’ve had in a long, long time. I have a sneaky suspicion that he too is human – therefore liable to make a mistake. I will pray for him and the entire cabinet. No matter how good (or even great) he is, I gave myself unalienable right to pose questions, in spite of my personal inclination to like him and what he stands for. In the words of Edward Abbey: “A patriot must be prepared to defend his country against its government”.

I have examined the instance of “political backlash” – as a theory and concluded that today’s Republican staunch adherence to:
a) “pro life” – as they like to call it
b) anti-gay marriage
c) pro-gun lobby
d) pro-death sentence
Even though, I personally support many of these stands I find them to be a direct outcome of our misfortunes under Clinton. God forbid that the present state gets answered by another equally strong backlash (the pendulum-effect) and we get some super-mega enormous liberal who would want to reverse all that Bush has done. Now that would lead our society into an absolute catastrophe, along an endless downward spiral. The Fall of the Roman Empire would be looked upon as child’s play in comparison how deeply we may fall. It’s foolish to think we are immune to failures. If the strong and united Republican views continue to incorporate fringe elements, this will be the only place where a Fascist thought can find its home. Call me paranoid, but I’ll submit the words of Huey Long (The Kingfish), who in 1930s said: “if fascism ever comes to America, it will be wrapped up in an American flag”.

From recent history we know that Stalin’s Russia was a very loud ANTI-FASCIST state but history teaches us that Stalin out-Hitlered even the Fuehrer himself, in many instances. Let me introduce another quote I found in the trash of Oliver’s Stone’s dialogue from JFK (a deleted scene):

[“We won't build Dachaus and Auschwitzes. We're not going to wake up one morning and suddenly find ourselves in gray uniforms goose – stepping off to work ... "Fascism will come," Huey Long once said. "in the name of anti -fascism" - it will come in the name of your security - they call it "National Security," it will come with the mass media manipulating a clever concentration camp of the mind. The super state will provide you tranquility above the truth, the super state will make you believe you are living in the best of all possible worlds, and in order to do so will rewrite history as it sees fit. George Orwell's Ministry of Truth warned us, "Who controls the past, controls the future."]

Not that it’s anybody’s business, but I will do anything to identify even the mildly pro-fascist leanings and have it amputated from our country. You can call me paranoid, but you can’t refute the logic of the above. You can discredit me, Oliver Stone, George Orwell, Huey Long and their mothers, but that doesn’t make them wrong. I firmly stand against pre-natal autopsy. Shoot me, any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

Iliya Pavlovich

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