Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


Commentary :: Miscellaneous

BTL:Connecticut Set to Become 2nd State to Pass Same-Sex Civil Union Bill

Interview with Ann Stanback, president of the group Love Makes a Family, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

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Commentary :: Media

The Ehrlich Report


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Announcement :: Economy


a consumer alert to inform potential buyer's that
may be tempted to use to order via
the internet their cigerettes that this buyer has
had a bad experience with them.

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News :: Activism : Economy : Globalization : International Relations : Miscellaneous

Econ 101: Trade Deficit and the Dollar

A quick dispatch on how the dollar and gold seem to be reacting to today’s Commerce Department report on January’s trade deficit.

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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Middle East

*PRICELESS*!: Israeli history professor rhetorically gives the ADL 'the *finger*'!

Hebrew University Israeli history professor Moshe Zimmerman compares Israel's IDF (military) to the Nazis! Conservative kneejerk gadfly Jewish ADL -- Zionist domestic spy & harassment organization -- head Abe Foxman butts in, as usual, to demand apology. (Many prominent Jews, both contemporary and historical figures, have compared Israel/Zionism/IDF to *NAZIS*!) Israeli history professor Moshe Zimmerman retorts: "Regarding the involvement of ... [Abe] Foxman in the affair, he says, "I don't have to respond to every barking dog in the street"! A comment that's long overdue!

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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Culture : Environment : Gender and Sexuality : Media

Celebrate International Woman's Day with the Rebel Radio Project TONIGHT

Celebrate International Woman's Day
with the Rebel Radio Project TONIGHT (Friday, March 11) from 9p-11p on WRYR-LP 97.5FM

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (03/11/05)


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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

BTL:Bush Administration May Reject Ratification of...

...International Tobacco Control Treaty ~ Interview with Derek Yach, one of the principle drafters of the International Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

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LOCAL Announcement :: Media

B/W Photography Workshop II

Learn the Basics of Black & White Print Developing Sunday, March 13th 1:00pm to 3:00pm at the Progressive Action Center.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Crime & Police

Stop the execution of Vernon Evans : Meeting, Tues. 3/15

7 pm on Tuesday, 3/15. American Friends Service Committee (4806 York Rd)

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