Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Crime & Police

Stop the execution of Vernon Evans : Meeting, Tues. 3/15

7 pm on Tuesday, 3/15. American Friends Service Committee (4806 York Rd)

Subject: Meeting 3/15: Act to Save Vernon Evans

The State of Maryland has issued a death warrant for Vernon Evans. His murder is scheduled for the week of April 18.

At 7 pm on Tuesday, 3/15, Baltimore activists will meet to plan actions to support and save Vernon Evans. The meeting will be held at the offices of the American Friends Service Committee at 4806 York Rd (just north of Cold
Spring Lane).

There a lot that could be written in this announcement. But the message is
really very short: Unless we stop them, the state will carry out another murder on or about April 18. And this could be followed by 3 more in rapid
We must work together to show the opposition to the death penalty in Maryland. No one else will do it.

Be there: 7 pm on Tuesday, 3/15. American Friends Service Committee (4806
York Rd)
Terry Fitzgerald

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