Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Economy


a consumer alert to inform potential buyer's that
may be tempted to use to order via
the internet their cigerettes that this buyer has
had a bad experience with them.
in early December 2004 I placed order for 5 carton
of cigerettes with having found an
ad of theirs, and by early January 2005 the order
had not arrived and I contacted their so-called
"customer support" and meet with extremely rude
and incompetent personnel. By mid-January 2005
3 of the 5 ordered cartons finally arrived in the
mail from Switzerland, and to date the other 2 are
yet outstanding. I made claim for refund of the
monies expended for the other 2 cartons and as of
this date...March 11, has NOT been as
yet received.

If you are thinking of doing business with these
people you need to be aware of potential problems
and the fact that I have had unsatisfactory and
dubious experience. BUYER BEWARE!

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