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LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD

Workers' Opening Day One Week Away

Day laborers in the United Workers Association organize for a living wage at Camden Yards. With Opening Day now one week away, workers are organizing to continue their history-making campaign. Last week, a break came when a dialogue re-opened with the Baltimore Orioles' owner, Peter Angelos. Angelos has made a committment to the United Workers Association that he and the Orioles would ensure that workers would be paid the city living wage of $8.85 an hour beginning this season.

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (03/28/05)


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News :: Protest Activity

Help Conyers to Impeach Bush - link here to email

Ralph Nader told the nation to support Rep. Conyers who is considering moving forward on impeachment hearings. Only people of his state can contact his DC office, emails are filtered.

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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation : History : Poverty

Barry Goldwater, Social Security & My Mother

Goldwater's stand on Social Security became a turning point in my life

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Announcement :: Animal Rights : Civil & Human Rights : Environment

National Grassroots Animal Rights Conference (March 31st - April 3rd, NYC)

This national conference (March 31st through April 3rd in New York City) will be the first of its kind. It intends to: empower the grassroots; promote discussion and skill sharing; be affordable, accessible, and inclusive; challenge oppression WITHIN the animal rights movement; have an open and participatory structure; develop a broader analysis of the social and economic context of animal oppression; promote abolition, not reform; and support cross-movement alliances.

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Commentary :: Right Wing

Randall Terry's Advanced Directive

If Randall Terry is going to grandstand on the Terry Schiavo issue without being a hypocrite, he needs to sign this document or something roughly equivalent.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Abortion Issue Boiled Down to Reality

If my mother had felt the need to abort me when I was growing in her
womb, I would have been grateful to give her that wish.

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News :: Environment

CNN's "Melting Point"... [global warming]

"The confusing debate over climate change has given way to a new scientific consensus: The Earth is getting warmer."

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News :: International Relations

A Rare and Interesting Blog

A rare internet blog.

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Commentary :: Middle East

The Bloody Paths to Crawford, Texas

It’s fair to assume that George W. Bush and Israel’s Ariel Sharon, will be up to no good when they meet at Crawford, Texas, on April 11th. Sharon, and his Neocon cronies, helped to push Bush into the Iraqi conflict. Israel now wants the U.S. to put Iran and Syria in its crosshairs. Both men have something in common that they don’t want the public to ever see: the blood of the innocents! Bush may be suffering, too, from a Napoleon Complex!

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