This national conference (March 31st through April 3rd in New York City) will be the first of its kind. It intends to: empower the grassroots; promote discussion and skill sharing; be affordable, accessible, and inclusive; challenge oppression WITHIN the animal rights movement; have an open and participatory structure; develop a broader analysis of the social and economic context of animal oppression; promote abolition, not reform; and support cross-movement alliances.

The National Grassroots Animal Rights Conference invites all grassroots animal advocates to network, strategize, and learn the skills necessary to abolish animal exploitation in our communities and throughout our world.
GARC: for the Grassroots, by the Grassroots
March 31 - April 3, NYC
Speakers include:
Lorri Bauston, Co-founder, Farm Sanctuary
Josephine Bellaccomo,
Sarahjane Blum, Media Spokesperson,
Lawrence Carter-Long, Issues Specialist, In Defense of Animals
Rod Coronado, Coordinator, Chuk'shon Earth First! (Pending outcome of March court date)
Karen Davis, PhD, President, United Poultry Concerns, Inc.
Michael Greger, MD, Vegan Research Institute
Caryn Hartglass, Executive Director, EarthSave International
Alex Hershaft, PhD, President, Farm Animal Reform Movement (FARM)
Kevin Jonas, Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC)
pattrice jones, Coordinator, Eastern Shore Sanctuary
Marti Kheel, Founder, Feminists for Animals Rights
Julie Lewin, Animal Advocacy Connecticut (AACT)
Nathan Runkle, Founder, Mercy for Animals
Marjorie Spiegel, Executive Director, Institute for the Development of Earth Awareness
Andy Stepanian, Long Island Animal Defense League
,,,and many more. Please check back continually for updates.
Below are workshops confirmed to date. Please note that GARC will offer more than sixty panels on many topics, so please check in periodically for updates.
GARC's agenda is being created based on survey responses from more than a hundred animal rights activists. Based on these responses, GARC will emphasize panels related to strategies and tactics, including media, campaign strategy, direct action, volunteer/intern recruiting, and fundraising: all the tools and skills we need to build a more effective movement.
Anarchism and Animal Liberation
Animal Advocates and Environmentalists: Making Alliances
Coming Out Vegetarian/Coming Out Gay: Making Alliances
Commonality of Human and Non-Human Animal Oppression
Corporate Globalization: Trading Away Our Right to Protect Animals
Ecofeminism and Animal Liberation
How to Investigate Animal Labs
Humane Trapping of Wildlife and Feral Animals
Hunger, Overconsumption, and Factory Farming
Legislative Activism - Practical Models
Open Rescues
Organizing a Vegetarian Festival
Saving Wildlife
Understanding the Psychology of Meat for Effective Vegetarian Advocacy
Zines, Shows, Liner Notes: Communicating Animal Liberation Through Youth Culture and Music
Holyrood Church 715 W. 179th Street Washington Heights, Manhattan, New York City
$10-$40, sliding scale
201-968-0595; info (at)
See also: