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Baltimore IMC


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Announcement :: Environment

NYC IMC Call for Articles on the Food System


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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

BTL:Despite Earlier Denials, Presidential Adviser Karl Rove Played Key Role in...

...Illegal Disclosure of CIA Agent's Identity ~ Interview with Robert Jensen, professor of journalism at the University of Texas, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (7/14/2005)

Iraq car bomb kills at least 27, mostly children.

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Commentary :: Globalization : Media

Rumour Mongering - turning the tables on the Capitalist Media

Or how to create a media system which is a public utility, instead of a capitalist brain washing outfit, in really easy steps...

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News :: Right Wing


He blew CIA agent Valerie Plame's cover. Here's how he's going to cover that: HE WILL SAY: "ALL I TOLD REPORTERS IS THAT JOE WILSON'S WIFE RECOMMENDED HIM" (to check on the phony Saddam-Nigeria-uranium connection).

We are at war, declared by the president. Karl Rove, if he makes the above admission, caused the deaths of CIA operatives and compromised their expressed mission in the defense of the nation in that war. That would make him not just a felon but liable to prosecution for T-R-E-A-S-O-N (imagine Tammy Wynette or Aretha Franklin singing that out).

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News :: Activism

Anfield On Bush


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Announcement :: Urban Development

Vision of the Coming Tent-city

Asserting the 'right to sleep'.

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Commentary :: Media

What Exactly Does it Mean to be 'Pro-Labor?': More on 'Alternative' Media Quietly Selling Out to Whole Foods

Do you want evidence of how ad-driven media works to silence labor? Read this follow-up to "'Alternative' Media Quietly Sells Out to Whole Foods Market" [ZNet, April 28, 2005]. Mark T. Harris answers Dragonfly Media's denial that it gave Whole Foods Market free advertising for a year in its Chicago publication, Conscious Choice, following the grocer's complaint about a UFCW ad that ran under the magazine's old management. Dragonfly says neither would it promise Whole Foods no more union ads. But when union activists attempted to purchase new ad space last December, Dragonfly said no.

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News :: Environment

S.O.S.from Venice ,Italy

Nothing can be more exasperating then the realization that nefarious financial interests are wrecking the environment with the false excuse of saving it. This global tendency applies also to the lagoon city of Venice.

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (7/13/05)

Webster Tarpley and Peter Meyer on the 7/7 attacks in London.

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