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He blew CIA agent Valerie Plame's cover. Here's how he's going to cover that: HE WILL SAY: "ALL I TOLD REPORTERS IS THAT JOE WILSON'S WIFE RECOMMENDED HIM" (to check on the phony Saddam-Nigeria-uranium connection).

We are at war, declared by the president. Karl Rove, if he makes the above admission, caused the deaths of CIA operatives and compromised their expressed mission in the defense of the nation in that war. That would make him not just a felon but liable to prosecution for T-R-E-A-S-O-N (imagine Tammy Wynette or Aretha Franklin singing that out).

"Cheney's not the one who nominated Joe Wilson to go to Nigeria. Wilson's wife did." That's what Rove apparently is going to have to admit he told people like columnist Robert Novak

Now, your average newspaperman -- Matt Cooper, Judith (Judy) Miller, or even Robert Novak -- is about one rung above a TV anchor in intelligence. If Novak didn't already know that Mrs. Joseph Wilson and Valerie Plame are one and the same, it wouldn't take him two minutes on the phone or the Web to find it out.

Next, pray tell, why would President Bush take some guy's wife's advice to send her husband to Nigeria on a secret mission connected with the War on Terror? Heck, my wife might recommend me, gladly, but who would listen? Well, if Bush listened, it's because he KNEW the lady had some credentials in the foreign-intelligence field. What government department is chartered for that purpose?

The CIA. Clearly, Rove and Bush knew that Plame worked for the CIA, and BOTH are prosecutable for outting her.


At any rate, that Great Bushian (as opposed to Great American) Robert Novak told the whole world in a newspaper column on July 14, 2003, that Plame-Wilson was a CIA employee. This was Bush-Rove's revenge for Joseph Wilson revealing a week earlier that Bush lied in his 2003 State of the Union address about Mr. Wilson's findings on ties between Saddam and Nigerian uranium. This address that will live with Lincoln's Gettysburg address -- except in infamy -- lied us into the Iraq Quagmire.


So if Rove said to Novak, Judith Miller, Matt Cooper and other reporters something like, "Joe Wilson's wife recommended him to investigate the Nigerian connection," does that make him:
(a) a felon, (b) a traitor, (c) neither, (d) both?

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