Cumann na Saoirse Náisíunta Statement
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Announcement :: Activism : Protest Activity : War in Iraq
S24: A call for a Revolutionary Anti-Authoritarian Bloc Against the War and Capitalism
On September 24th, Anarchist Action, an autonomous network of groups and individuals, has called for a Revolutionary Anti-Capitalist Convergence Against the War in San Francisco. Over the summer, Anarchist Action has held several successful (sub)urban insurrections, militant street parties, and marches in and around the Bay Area. We are inspired by our comrades from the West coast, and as they converge on the streets in San Francisco, we too will take to the streets of Washington DC!
We are calling for a Revolutionary Anti-Authoritarian Bloc Against the War and Capitalism. Meet on September 24th and bring flags, sturdy banners, clothes to blend in at the march, and other defensive items you might need to oppose the war and the system behind it!
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Announcement :: Poverty
Sept 9: Call-In Day - Save Domestic Programs!
09 Sep 2005
Lynda Carson
Toll Free 1-800-426-8073
Call your representatives and senators. Social security has kept tens of millions of seniors from poverty for over seven decades. Privatizing social security would enrich financiers and endanger seniors and the disabled.
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LOCAL Announcement :: Miscellaneous
New Orleans refugees staying in Baltimore
Possibly more than 1,0000 victims of the damaged seawall in New Orleans arriving at the Du Burns arena starting Saturday, August 10th.
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What kind of organization does the antiwar movement need?
09 Sep 2005
Ben Seattle
An organization capable of overthrowing the system of imperialist rule cannot be built on a foundation of sand. Only principled, transparent and long-term collaboration between serious activists can:
(1) organize a decisive break from the
confinement of liberal-imperialist politics,
(2) mobilize the masses in their millions and
(3) chart the couse forward to a world without
imperialist war or capitalist exploitation
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BTL:Dismantling of FEMA Partly to Blame for Failed Federal Response to...
09 Sep 2005
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
...Hurricane Katrina ~ Interview with Eric Holdeman, director of King County, Washington's Office of Emergency Management, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
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News :: Miscellaneous
Katrina: Paramedics Experiences
09 Sep 2005
Larry Bradshaw, Lorrie Beth Slonsky
Two paramedics attending a conferencewere trapped in New Orleans by Hurricane KatrinaHurricane Katrina. This is their account.
"As we approached the bridge, armed Gretna sheriffs formed a line across the foot of the bridge. Before we were close enough to speak, they began firing their weapons over our heads."
... "Just as dusk set in, a Gretna Sheriff showed up, jumped out of
his patrol vehicle, aimed his gun at our faces, screaming, "Get off the fucking freeway". A helicopter arrived and used the wind from its blades to blow away our flimsy structures."
"The two young guardsmen apologized for the limited response of the Louisiana guards. They explained that a large section of their unit was in Iraq and that meant they were shorthanded ... "
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News :: Media
News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/9/05)
The unexplained crack in the concrete-reinforced New Orleans seawall.
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LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD : Military : Peace : War in Iraq
War Casualties Exhibition Eyes Wide Open Coming to Baltimore this Friday

Acclaimed War Casualties Exhibition "Eyes Wide Open" Coming to Baltimore this Friday
Over 1800 Pairs of Combat Boots Representing U. S. Military Casualties in the Iraq War; a labyrinth of shoes representing the tens of thousands of Iraqi civilian casualties.
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Bush stay , Rather resigns
08 Sep 2005
Lady Liberty
Bush can learn from Dan Rather something about taking responsability and leadership.
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