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Bush stay , Rather resigns

Bush can learn from Dan Rather something about taking responsability and leadership.
Not long ago the lunatic right wing fringe including the likes of Bill O’ Reilly called for the resignation of Dan Rather over the news anchor’s misrepresentation of Bush’s Vietnam service record. Such was the outcry and pressure even within his own CBS new team that the news man stepped down in humiliation. His journalistic ethics were questioned by reactionary commentators itching for a witch-hunt against a Bush critic on the airwaves. Mr. Rather faced the music over his failures and left as anchor of the CBS news after a long and distinguished career . Rather’s failure were human and his errors, may have embarrassed the President but Bush got reelected anyway. Rather did the right thing and left. However Rather’s mistakes did not result in a war fought for bogus reasons with no post invasion game plan, nor did it result in a Middle East debacle costing 20,000 thousands innocent lives being taken in the name of “freedom”. The news anchor’s oversight did not cost nearly 2000 American soldiers poorly equipped to die in an ongoing foreign conflict the US cannot win... Rather’s error did not result in a massive inept federal bureaucracy from failing to respond in a timely and professional manner in order to save Americans who now live in a disaster zone called the Gulf coast. Well, Mr. President now it is your turn to face up to the consequences of your inactions or actions and for the same reason that Rather left then , it is high time you admitted to your failure , take responsibility for them by resigning from the presidency now! Your policy failures in Iraq, your inability to heed warnings about 9/11 attacks and to react quickly enough to the Katrina disaster, your failure to reduce the yawning US deficit which as has dug the American taxpayer to a bottomless pit for generations , your obsession with advancing corporate America and the expense of the poor buy cutting taxes for the rich, your failed China, Iran policy , your inept handling of transatlantic relations which have alienated America worldwide are all on the record for historians to see. You may wish to remain blind to this fact but for all these reason be a man at least and face up to all these failures and for the sake of America and its future generations do what a real man does when he realizes he is wrong and like Rather reign from your job.

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