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Submissions to the newswire


News :: U.S. Government

Terroristas autorizados por George W. Bush

Del mismo modo que los terroristas árabes invocan el islamismo para sus actos terroristas, algunos partidarios del Obispo Fernando Lugo invocan hoy la bendición del candidato de Dios para justificar los actos terroristas en los que se vieron envueltos en mayor o menor grado una buena parte de ellos y para colmo, con la autorización de la embajada norteamericana.

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News :: U.S. Government


When the wealthiest country in the world continues to allow the enslavement of the tens of thousands of their own innocent Middle Class and Working Poor to decades of false imprisonment,it's time to ask for International help!Currently there are reported to be 100,000 falsely imprisoned Americans living along with the estimated 2,000,000 US prison population nationwide.America now has the very unique distinction of not only being rated the #1 in the World for having the largest prison population,but America also has the distinct rating of having the largest wrongfully imprisoned prison population in the World as well.Our US Congress affords themselves all the perks and salary most Americans could only dream about,but ask anyone of these Leaders Of The Free World to protect our Middle Class or Working Poor Americans from continuing to be falsely imprisoned endless decades due to the lack of federal appeal legal counsel being afforded them, and you just might be thought of as being crazy?

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Islamic-Christian front warns of scheme targeting Arab presence in Jerusalem

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Dr. Hasan Khater, the secretary-general of the Islamic-Christian front for the defense of Jerusalem and holy shrines, warned that the IOA started a few days ago to implement a dangerous scheme targeting the Arab and Islamic presence in occupied Jerusalem through promoting a new ID card as a prelude to imposing it on Jerusalemite Palestinians.

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News :: Media

Bush replaced REX84 with new martial law

News Junkie Scott's Blog (4/15/2008)

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LOCAL Announcement :: Urban Development

A16: Bail out People, Not Banks - Msg. from Rev. Lennox Yearwood


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News :: U.S. Government

Senate housing bill- more grief for homeowners

Socialists across the nation are rejecting a U.S. Senate housing bill that offers little help to struggling homeowners facing foreclosure, while providing tens of billions for banks, financial institutions and big corporations. The bill (Foreclosure Prevention Act) passed in the Senate this past week by a vote of 84-12 and has been sent to the House. The vote was clearly a major setback for millions of homeowners and a big win for banks and big businesses.

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Announcement :: Activism

The Military Family Network- A National Disgrace

The Military Family Network-A National Disgrace To Servicemen, as it sends a porno and hate message to a Viet Nam combat veteran.

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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

Barack Obama Does Nothing While African American Apartments Crumble, Decay and Fail

I wonder if the news media will ever report on Barack Obama and his Rezko scandal or will they ignore it?

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News :: Crime & Police

Red Fellas

the fundamental christian legacy to America

does anyone out there remember the groups like 700 club beseeching their watchers to sponsor a russian jew? to help these poor downtrodden relatives of jesus to escape to America via israel?

heres what ignorance begets:

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LOCAL News :: Protest Activity

Baltimore: Parachute Squat in Solidarity with Autonomous Spaces!

Sunday April 13th around 5:00 pm Baltimore Anarchists created an autonomous space under a parachute.

In Solidarity with squats and autonomous spaces around the world and the fight to live the lives we choose. For spaces free of commodities! For self-organization and the right to live free from oppression, hierarchy and authority! Make space for what you love!

Fight for and defend self-organized space!
Fuck the law squat the world!

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