Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL News :: Protest Activity

Baltimore: Parachute Squat in Solidarity with Autonomous Spaces!

Sunday April 13th around 5:00 pm Baltimore Anarchists created an autonomous space under a parachute.

In Solidarity with squats and autonomous spaces around the world and the fight to live the lives we choose. For spaces free of commodities! For self-organization and the right to live free from oppression, hierarchy and authority! Make space for what you love!

Fight for and defend self-organized space!
Fuck the law squat the world!
Click on image for a larger version

Sunday April 13th around 5:00 pm Baltimore Anarchists created an autonomous space under a parachute.

In Solidarity with squats and autonomous spaces around the world and the fight to live the lives we choose. For spaces free of commodities! For self-organization and the right to live free from oppression, hierarchy and authority! Make space for what you love!

Fight for and defend self-organized space!
Fuck the law squat the world!

We are everywhere...

For Information and reports from the call for decentralized days of action for squats and Autonomous spaces April 11-12th check out the links below.

Kopi bleibt!
Ungdomshuset blir!
Click on image for a larger version

Click on image for a larger version


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