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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

Barack Obama Does Nothing While African American Apartments Crumble, Decay and Fail

I wonder if the news media will ever report on Barack Obama and his Rezko scandal or will they ignore it?
To quote from ( Obama and his Rezko ties by Tim Novak ). This story is also titled ( Barack Obama and his slumlord patron ). To quote from page 1, paragraph 8. "as Rezko's low-income housing empire was collapsing, leaving many African-American families in buildings riddled with problems - including squalid living conditions, vacant apartments, lack of heat, squatters and drug dealers." Here is a partial summary of the Rezko scandal.
Seventeen buildings - many beset with code violations, including lack of heat - ended up in foreclosure.
Six buildings are currently boarded up.
Hundreds of the apartments are vacant, in need of major repairs.
Taxpayers have been stuck with millions in unpaid loans.
At least a dozen times, the city of Chicago sued Rezmar for failure to heat buildings.
Read the story ( Obama's Record: The Truth Is Out There by Steve Rhodes ) at ( The Beachwood Reporter ).
Read the story ( PACs and lobbyists aided Obama's rise by Scott Helman ) at ( The Boston Globe ).
Read the story ( Barack Obama Favors Early Release of Sex Offenders From Prison, posted February 14, 2008 ) at Columbus Indymedia.
Read the story ( Barack Obama Listens to Health Insurance Companies and Ignores Everyone Else, posted February 25, 2008 ) at Columbus Indymedia.

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