Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


LOCAL Commentary :: Activism : Class : Labor : Protest Activity : War in Iraq

All Out on May Day!

On May 1, all 29 ports on the U.S. West Coast are to be shut down as a result of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), which is calling the action to be protest against the U.S. war on Afghanistan and Iraq. This is a historic event of international significance: Labor action against imperialist war by a major American union.

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News :: Children Social Network Launches For Moms This Mother's Day


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LOCAL Announcement :: Elections & Legislation

Unconventional East Coast Convergence Announced!

Come to DC June 13-15 to join us for an East Coast Unconventional Convergence. Months before the Republican and Democratic National Conventions we will be hosting a massive training, convergence, and platform for regional consultas for any anti-authoritarian organizers planning to attend the DNC/RNC.

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Commentary :: Economy

Shouting from the Caboose

Hope lies beyond Social Darwinism and hyper-individualism. As the end of cheap oil could be the beginning of real community, the end of everyday time could be the beginning of kairos time, the time of cdecision. Black is a new consciousness, not a skin color (Steve Biko).

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Commentary :: Economy

Stock Market Game of Bankocrats

The crisis is due to over-production (declining mass demand) and over-accumulation (falling profit rates). The global financial markets seem uncoupled from production. The pressure to double-digit profits overstrains nature as well as the real economy of labor and production.

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News :: Media

Endangered San Bernandino Kangaroo rat's habitat slashed

News Junkie Scott's Blog (4/24/2008)

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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Baltimore MD


An Introduction

To What

We Does

AKA Parachute Games

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News :: Elections & Legislation

obama spring

the flight of the "o" continues

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News :: Animal Rights

STOP UC-Berkeley Vivisection - 40,000 animals currently tortured

40,000 non-human animals are currently tortured in vivisection at UC Berkeley. Activists have recently faced many acts of low-level police repression for exposing these atrocities. Show solidarity with the animals, as well as the activists by making use of this information.

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News :: Media

Polar bear decision delay meant to protect oil leases

News Junkie Scott's Blog (4/22/2008)

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