Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Baltimore MD


An Introduction

To What

We Does

AKA Parachute Games
Brec.indd.pdf (230 k)
Download the full pamphlet for printing!
BRËC is a lot of things. We are a group of individuals bent on opposing electoral politics. We want to facilitate discussions and actions that will catalyze the world we dream about. By dispelling the illusions of electoral politics we hope to empower us all to take direct action over our lives. We are also actively organizing to protest both the Republican and Democratic National Conventions in St. Paul/Minneapolis and Denver. Brec beliefs
  • Voting is not effective or worthwhile.
  • As anti-authoritarians we oppose representational politics where the power of everyone is consolidated into a couple candidates.
  • This is a turning point in our movement. If by summer 2008 the war is still going on, we will know that passive marches and electoral politics can’t alleviate our issues. That we have to take action for ourselves.
  • Checking a box every four years is not applying political power effectively. By using direct action and organizing within your community you can achieve much faster and concrete results.
  • Baltimore is some sick shit. If we stick it out and remember that were in this together things will change.
  • The power needs to come back to where it originates. The people.
  • Politicians only have power because we give it to them.
  • People in general are disenchanted with politics on some level.
  • By organizing early on, Baltimore can represent itself in mass at the conventions. We can show that we aren’t just some post industrial wasteland. We’re more like a giant anarchist play ground.

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