Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


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News :: Miscellaneous

World Economic Forum Protest In NYC


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News :: Miscellaneous

The Biggest Theft In This Worlds History

Your city, county, state, and federal governments have LIED TO YOU for decades. There is NO NEED FOR TAXES. Our governments are not broke, they are rich beyond measure with OUR money, and they are hiding it from the American taxpayer while pleading they are broke and need more taxes, bonds and levees to survive. This being done as they blindly justify their obscene growth. BS! There is enough aggregate wealth owned by our government agencies to abolish ALL property and income taxes TODAY. You are being conned, lied to, ripped off, and financially raped.

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LOCAL News :: Peace

Projectile Fired At Peace Vigilers In Columbia, Maryland

Someone shot a pellet at a peace vigil

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News :: Children

International Day Of Protest Against The War, December 22!

There's less than a month until the international day of protest against the war on ALL FRONTS, and the campaign has been successful! The following cities are holding protests on December 22:

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Green Party In Power Fails The Test In Santa Cruz, California

Homelessness and political repression, Green Party fails the test.

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

America Is The Great Satan And Here Is Why

This offends Allah so much that there is no longer any hope for you. Allah hates child molesters and those who support them. Your empire will be destroyed, your cities razed, your monuments smashed asunder. Death to Israel. Death to the United States. Allah is great.

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News :: Miscellaneous

The Model Emergency Health Powers Act

Please join us for this important discussion.

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News :: Peace

International Action Center - "Peace Activists" With A Secret Agenda

An expose on the International Action Center and ANSWER coalition.

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News :: Miscellaneous

Montreal's Third Anarchist Book And Freedom Fair

For the third consecutive year, Montreal will be hosting the Anarchist Book and Freedom Fair. The Bookfair has become an important community event, attracting at least 1000 visitors to the main Bookfair space for each of the past two years.


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News :: Miscellaneous

The End Of Genetically Engineered Food?

As awareness of GE foods reaches levels seen in Europe, the wholesale rejection of what the British have dubbed "Frankenfood" is likely to be duplicated in the US.

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