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LOCAL News :: Peace

Projectile Fired At Peace Vigilers In Columbia, Maryland

Someone shot a pellet at a peace vigil
Dear Friends,

On Saturday, December 1, 2001 someone in a passing vehicle fired a projectile at our group during our silent peace vigil with enough force to penetrate a hardboard (e.g. masonite) sign held by one of our members.

Thankfully, no one was harmed. To the best of our determination, the shot was likely a BB-sized pellet. A report was made to local police, and we have initiated some contacts with the press.

We continue to meet weekly on Saturdays, 4 - 5 p.m. to remember the victims of September 11 and to urge a non-violent and just response. We meet at the corner of Broken Land Parkway and Little Patuxent Parkway in Columbia, MD.
We ask Friends to hold us in the Light as we continue this witness and to join us in a show of support if you are led to do so.


Sherri Morgan
Clerk, Patapsco Friends Meeting

From: Leslie Salgado []

Dear friends of justice and peace,

I would like to commend the perseverance of Sherri Morgan and the other members of the Patapsco Friends Meeting who have organized the silent peace vigils in Columbia, Maryland . I have attended most of the vigils from their start which was the day before the US started bombing Afghanistan. The site where we stand for the vigil is ighly visible and there are plenty of vehicles passing in both directions. My impression has been that most people seem curious but don't show any type of support or opposition to the vigil.

Of those who show their feelings, about half give us their thumbs up and the other half make various gestures (from thumbs down to some rather obscene gestures and language). I would like to encourage those of you who have not yet attended this vigil to do so. Please make an effort to be there next Saturday, it is only one hour of your week.

Leslie Salgado

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