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Montreal's Third Anarchist Book And Freedom Fair

For the third consecutive year, Montreal will be hosting the Anarchist Book and Freedom Fair. The Bookfair has become an important community event, attracting at least 1000 visitors to the main Bookfair space for each of the past two years.

Please post and forward ...
(December 3, 2001, 1st Announcement)

announcing ...

Montreal’s Third Annual
Saturday, May 18, 2002
10am to 6pm
1710, rue Beaudry (metro Beaudry)
Montreal, Quebec, CANADUH
(wheelchair accessible; childcare on site)

books, pamphlets & zines ... discussion, readings & debates ... poetry, film & art ... workshops, lectures & panels ... and more ...

For the third consecutive year, Montreal will be hosting the Anarchist Book and Freedom Fair. The Bookfair has become an important community event, attracting at least 1000 visitors to the main Bookfair space for each of the past two years.

There will be at least sixty tables representing booksellers and distributors, as well as anarchist groups and collectives, from all over Montreal, Quebec, Canada and the United States. There are also invitations extended to participants from Europe and Latin America.

As in the past two years, the Bookfair will be part of a Festival of Anarchy during the month of May in Montreal. The Festival, currently in the planning stages, aims to encompass music shows, spoken word and poetry cabarets, panels and lectures, anarchist soccer and hockey, a radical Mother’s Day, and much more.

The Bookfair is by donation. In the past, proceeds from the Bookfair has supported local projects like Books to Prisoners and the Committee of the Unemployed, as well as an anarchist library in Mexico City, and a land occupation project in Uruguay.


If you are from the Montreal-area, and want to get involved in organizing and publicizing the Bookfair, please get in touch by phone or e-mail. The Montreal Bookfair collective meets regularly every few weeks.

If you are a bookseller, distributor or anarchist collective, and would like to participate in the upcoming Bookfair, we encourage you to get in touch. There is a sliding scale fee for tables. Tables must be confirmed in advance.

If you are from outside the Montreal-area, and can help to promote the Bookfair where you live, please contact us by e-mail, phone or post. We can send you promotional posters and flyers.

There will be updates about Bookfair planning in future e-mail annoucements, and a new updated Bookfair webpage will be online soon.

Stay in touch, and see you in May!!!

-- The Montreal Bookfair Collective


Montreal Anarchist Book and Freedom Fair
2035, boulevard St-Laurent, 2nd Floor
Montreal, Quebec
H2X 2T3


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