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Baltimore IMC

News :: Miscellaneous

The Model Emergency Health Powers Act

Please join us for this important discussion.
Tonight on Anarchist Radio News a local midwifery advocate and a nurse practitioner discuss the Center for Disease Control's new proposed legislation for states, the Model Emergency Health Powers Act. If "emergency" mass quarantine and mandatory vaccinations seem too crazy to believe, read the documents at the web sites below.

ARN broadcasts live every Monday and Thursday, 5 to 7 pm, west coast time, and rebroadcasts continually between episodes at the following web address:

Please join us for this important conversation and let your friends know it's going on as well.

For the text of MEHPA and a letter of critique from Georgetown University, go to:

for a summary of MEHPA go to and search for "Emergency Health Powers"

You'll be horrified by what you read.

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