Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


LOCAL Commentary :: Right Wing

Mistaken Identity?

I am still not convinced that the two guys from Michigan who were attacked and lost the dog in York, PA, were not nazis.

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Commentary :: Media

Barricada Exclusive: On The Ground In Argentina

The January issue of Barricada is now Available. Featurning 10 pages of on the ground coverage from the Argentine uprising.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Counter Macy's Lame Claims About Their Burma Business!

Macy's thinks they can fool the public who demand that they cut ties to Burma, but we won't be fooled!

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News :: Crime & Police

911 Conspiracy Theories Given Currency In The Main Stream Media

The inner sun burns off another layer of darkness in the minds of the masses inoculated agains tthe truth

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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights

Anti-Racists Defeat Neo-Nazi Recruiting Drive

Yesterday's events in York could only be considered a victory for anti-racism. Several white supremacist organizations had planned a meeting and rally in York to capitalize off of past racial divisions and tensions in
the city. Hundreds of people with basic common sense from York and elsewhere successfully rose to the challenge and prevented the event from going off without a hitch.

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News :: Peace


The Green Party USA calls for activists and Greens worldwide to join in
solidarity against the illegal U.S. war on the people of Afghanistan.
We have urged a "hands off" policy in that region, but now we are
disappointed to find some European Greens in government breaking solidarity
and supporting our agressor government against Green values. We urgently
call on Die Grunen, the German Green Party, to come home, to reverse their
vote and withdraw from their government coalition supporting this war.

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LOCAL Commentary :: Miscellaneous

In Response To Recent Allegations


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LOCAL News :: Protest Activity

My Updated Account Of York

same account, less typos

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LOCAL News :: Protest Activity

Photo Of ARA Activists Being Beaten In York

The truth: ARA was outnumbered two to one and badly beaten.

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LOCAL News :: Protest Activity

York Rocks!

Pictures can be found at www.onepeople's

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