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LOCAL News :: Protest Activity

York Rocks!

Pictures can be found at www.onepeople's
YORK, PA, Jan. 12--The first racist/anti-racist showdown of the year took place outside the Martin Library, where Matt Hale of the World Church of the Creator had held a public meeting. The clashes, injuries and an unprepared police force, which included local and state units, made is quite possibly the most raucous in recent memory.

Well before Hale even arrived, the tensions in town could be felt, with a number of reports of pickup trucks that were driving through York displaying bumper stickers and white power decals during the evening. Before long one of those trucks became part of the first incident. A blue ford pickup with a Confederate flag on its antenna was attacked by individuals in black clothing and masks. The driver and his passenger, who were wearing white power symbols, were reportedly roughed up and maced while the trucks windows were smashed. The truck managed to pull away and escape to where police were positioned on Market St.

Soon another confrontation occurred when a person affiliated with Hale's group was attacked. The person was holding a copy of The White Man's Bible, a publication of the WCOTC, and that was taken away from him and burned by the counter-demonstrators.

At approximately 11:30 AM, Matt Hale arrived at Martin Library to hold his meeting. He was driven there by York Police who took him and his people in through a side entrance. Hale, who was accompanied by four persons, including Chris Duke of the WCOTC chapter in Connecticut, said he was invited to come by Michael Cook of Wrightsville. Ironically, Cook was not even able to get inside the library himself once the room reached its capacity seating and persons were not disallowed by police to enter. He remained outside with his fellow white supremacists outside Market St., shouting back at gathered counter-demonstrators assembled across the street.

Another person unable to get inside was National Alliance's Billy Roper, who was supposed to speak at the meeting. Roper attempted to make a deal with police, who told him that if his people dispersed from the entrance checkpoint on Market St. he will be allowed inside. When he told this to his group of approximate fifty racists however, no one moved. Although Roper said that he would instead stand outside with them in solidarity, this lent itself to a reported animosity towards Roper on the part of area white supremacists. Among those who were able to get in were Rich Tocar of Cleveland, and August Kreis of Aryan Nations, and reportedly a sizable number of local residents opposed to Mat Hale. Hale, however was rendered insignificant as the events outside the meeting unfolded.

Eventually the racists moved from their position on Market St. to South Queen St. where another, larger group of their colleagues were standing, many of them Hammerskins. This was the second entrance checkpoint, and as this was closed it was basically an area where the 100 racists shouted epithets and insults at the 350 counter-demonstrators across the street, many of them part of the Black Bloc, whom have been seen at anti-globalization rallies across the country and at other anti-racist events. Police on horseback separated the two groups, while men were positioned on the roofs of nearby buildings. At approximately 2:30 PM the gathered racists retreated through Mason Ave., an alley that connects Queen and Duke Streets. The Black Bloc, upon seeing this, went down another street, through the Susquehanna Pfaltzgraff parking lot, and ambushed the white supremacists. The ensuing melee resulted in injuries for both the Black Bloc and the assorted boneheads and racists, and the police on horseback eventually got around to reach the scene and separate everyone. The police pushed the Black Bloc back into the parking lot, however and a few of the racists were parked there. One person was arrested after a second pickup truck was damaged. As police attempted to push the Bloc back, the racists returned to engage in another round of fisticuffs. Police found themselves fighting both the Bloc and the racists, and the racists found themselves surrounded by the Bloc and unable to leave the lot. For twenty minutes the racists were at a standstill and each side took to verbal sparring. One Hammerskin presented a syndicalist flag they managed to get during the alleyway confrontation. "We got your flag!" He yelled at the Bloc before rubbing it on his rear.

The Bloc was not impressed "Big deal," one said. "We got your trucks!"

The police attempted to escort the racists out of the parking lot and away from the scene, but the Black Bloc followed. At another segment of Mason Ave, the most violent incident happened. A third truck carrying the Nazi and Nationalist flags the racists were flying was attacked as its river was attempting to leave. One report says that in a panic, he hit the accelerator and drove off, yet another said he was able to drive off then doubled back toward the crowd. Whatever the case the driver struck persons in the crowd. The police reported one person hit, but witnesses say a little girl was also struck. The driver, one of the racists was arrested and his truck impounded. A sizable number of persons on the street were also arrested here.

As the day winded down, there were minor reports of racists getting into scuffles with local residents and some more damage. The counter-demonstrators marched on the courthouse in support for those arrested during the day. At the parking lot where the racists were cornered Public Enemy's album It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back was blaring from a window of a nearby apartment. Reports of weapons being brandished and confiscated during the day were also filtering in By the end of the day, most of the 25 arrested had been released, and the town of York returned to a relative calm. For the town however, it was the latest chapter in a continuing story of hate and racism.

York leads the state of Pennsylvania in hate crime reports. White supremacists have taken to this town, especially after its former mayor, Charlie Robertson was arrested for his role in a murder during a race riot in 1969. It was enough for one reporter to opine, "I wish our town would stop being known for this!" That sentiment was echoed throughout the day by residents who held events throughout the city to counter Hale's meeting.

The police briefing, was damage control for the assemble police representatives and public officials. Although not playing a prominent role, the briefing was also attended by Rep. Todd Russell Platts (R-PA), a York resident who has cast a number of anti-gay and anti-abortion votes in Congress. The police were called to task for the slow response to prevent a number of the confrontations and if they were utilizing their manpower wisely. "What happened there is a typical response for these groups. They're using York City as a fighting ground," said Pennsylvania State Police Maj. Henry Oleyniczak. "To keep them from clashing with one another, that was our primary responsibility." Oleynjczak did say that things could have been done differently on their part. Mayor John Brenner defended the police as well. "It certainly was a recipe for disaster, but it was handled in my opinion very well and very professionally," he said.
The police also noted that in fact, there were firearms confiscated although they only knew of one person struck by the vehicle. Meanwhile protesters say that there are videos of this incident as well as one where a racist brandished a firearm from his car. Despite this, Department of Justice representative Vermont McKinney said the magnitude of this event, in comparison to others was "down, given the potential that existed."

With nazis holding rallies for frequently over the past year, and various incidents of confrontations in Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, DC, more situations such as this event are expected over the next few months. Plans are currently underway to oppose an white supremacist event next month at the Hilton in Herndon, Va. Some of the same white supremacist groups and individuals are expected to attend. That will suggest the anti-racists who confronted them in York will also be present for the Herndon event.

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