Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL News :: Protest Activity

My Updated Account Of York

same account, less typos
I left with some tough as nails, nazi bashing women to do some early scouting of York before the rest of the Anarchists and Anti-Racist Action people showed up. It looked like we would have an easy time dealing with the cops because the only barriers we saw were yellow painted saw horses. We scouted the library and saw a few cops hanging about in the early morning hours and saw two under cover cops enter the library(one of which was later attacked by some people from the ARA we didn't listen to our description of him). We talked to some locals and all were aware of the situation. We drove around after our walk around and saw the state police and police horses drive into town. We went back to the meeting spot and around 8:30 am the Anarchists and ARA people started arriving. As we were discussing things a police helicopter started heading our way and we decided to move to another parking lot so we didn't draw too much attention to where we were parked.
In the parking lot we moved to was an under cover cop taking pictures of us. Well they knew we were there. We decided to scout the area for places to can meet up with each other if we got broken up. We marched around and handed fliers to local residents. Around this time we saw a blue pick up truck with a confederate flag and some white power stickers on it drive by and flick us off. We chased after it and almost caught it while it was stopped at a light light but the light changed right as we got there. After some more walking we saw the truck again and chased after it and this time caught it and proceeded to bash its windows and pepper spray the nazis as they got out of the truck. They eventually drove off and about 10 mins later we had a platoon of riot cops coming after us. We zig-zagged around the city for a while took an intersection, yelled at some nazi guy(who happend to be Billy Roper), stole his book and left again and eventually found an area in which we couldn't be boxed in and took a breather and discussed our next move(or maybe it was the other way around. We did a lot of walking and jogging from the riot cops). After getting some phone calls from other activists on the other side of town we moved towards the library and low and behold we stumbled upon a parking lot full of hammerskins.

We charged and the riot cops pushed us back to the other side of the street and kept us separated. That began a shouting match and within an hour of us on one side of the street and the nazis on the other we had about 300 local residents on our side yelling at the nazis. There were young kids and old people, women and men, black, hispanic and white all united against these fascist scumbags. We did a lot of outreach and talking with the locals about who were were and why were were there. After what seemed to be two hours someone threw a snow ball at the nazis and hit a cop and the horse cops charged into us and arrested the first of many protesters that day. Some of the local kids told us if we walked around the block, the alley in which the nazis were going to leave from was unguarded and some of the bloc went off to meet them when they left. Shortly there after as they were leaving is when the shit hit the fan.

Everyone charged across the street after them in the alley and started beating them. As the cops broke it up we ran out the the alley to head back towards their parked cars and attacked them again while the cops were trying to keep us back. Some of their cars were attacked including this one white pick up truck(I'll get to this one in a bit). After a stand off I got word that one of the girls from the Tute Nere collective got her arm broken while beating up a nazi and some of the local kids told us that the nazis were leaving down a street and wanted to show us where they were. We ran through the streets and alleys with the local kids chasing after the nazis.We headed down this one alley in which they were trying to leave from and a bonehead from baltimore(Rick I believe his name is) drove through the crowd trying to get out of town. We attacked his truck, breaking lots of windows and he backed up and gunned it back down the alley running over one bloc member, hitting a little girl and apparently hitting two other people and almost hitting a cop. We later found out the cops stopped him and dragged him out of his truck and beat the fuck out of him in front of his little nazis pals. After the guy from he bloc got hit the whole area was full of riot cops. Some locals told us that was all of them and the rest of the area was free of them. After some minor confrontations with some horse police and the arrests of at least 3 more people(2 blocers and the aunt of the little girl that got hit by the truck) the locals then again told us the nazis were driving down the street. We left and came across the white pick up truck from the parking lot sitting at an intersection with a cop trying to direct traffic. When the nazis saw us they hopped in their truck and tried leaving the area but got stuck in the traffic and we attacked the truck once again and the cop was just standing there with his thumb up is ass. One of the nazis pulled out a gun and (I didn't see it, I just heard it) fired it into the air. We scattered back towards the street cop and told him the nazis had a gun. The cops casually walked up to the truck and waved them on their way. We were fucking pissed so we chased after them again and attacked their truck once more. The bloc got split up along the way and were waging battles against the nazis witht he locals all over the city, beating them on foot as they ran from us and attacking their cars as they fled the city. Towards the end we ran into a bunch of them at an alley and they ran behind the riot cops lines as the cops came after us. The last truck was damaged as were we being chased by the cops. We approached the truck which contained two bald headed guys and one was supposedly wearing a bomber jacket. The bloc asked if they were white power and they driver replied with "fuck you" and that was taken for a yes and he and his truck were attacked. Later, while some of us were in the hospital, we found he said he was just visiting his brother and was in the wrong place at the wrong time. This was the only possible non nazi car that was attacked. After that we all spit up and headed back to our cars and waited for more people to show up and left the area.

The group I was with went to the hospital to check on some friends and found out one of the people in the truck that fired the gun was also in the waiting room and about 90% of the other people there were victims of the street fight that took place. They didn't make her feel too welcome and she eventually got scared enough to call some of her nazi friends to keep her company while she waited there. In the waiting room was the blocer who got ran over, the family of the girl that got hit, another kid who got hit in the head from a bat by the nazis, some reporter who was attacked by the nazis, the girl with the broken arm and the guy in the pick up that got attacked at the end. After we collected our people we left and headed home. Im sure some of the incidents may be out of order and Im sure im leaving some things out(like the arguing between the main organizers who knew the area and the ARA people that didn't) and some of the walking around we did. It was a long and very exciting day. I have never seen that kind of community support before and I loved every second of it.

I was very disappointed that only 4 DC people showed up(myself included). If a bunch of drunk Baltimore kids could make it with hangovers, they could have made it too. After what I experienced I think everyone should beat the shit out of any nazis they see, where ever they are, despite if they will win or lose and not only "fight the battles we can win" as one of the ARA Columbus organizers said at the meeting the night before. I also noticed a lot of sexism in general at the meeting and in the streets. I think this needs to be talked about more. I dont know why no credit was given to Tute Nere for helping organize the demo. Is this more sexism? I also wish the bloc was more prepared to unarrest our comrades. It seemed only feeble attempts were made. The police were very interesting. They never really ran after us and really didn't seem to arrest us unless we were really damn close to the nazis. They had plenty of opportunities to do so if they really wanted to in my opinion. Either they didn't really care or they were really stupid. Funny side note, in an article written by one of the news papers, in our wandering around trying to figure out were the fuck to go, the dumbass cops thought we were methodically probing police lines checking for strengths and weaknesses. oh well, that's my story and im sticking with it.

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