Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


News :: Civil & Human Rights

SOA Trial Update: 23 of 43 Human Rights Advocates Adjudicated

Defendants Aim to Expose Double Standard in War on Terrorism, Put SOA and US Foreign Policy on Trial

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News :: Globalization

Bush Daddy Crop

It's like Bush Daddy has been farming poopheads. Note: Baltimore IMC still makes my computer go haywire, and it is impossible to access other IMC sites after posting in Baltimore.

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Commentary :: Middle East : War in Iraq

Iraq war: starting shot of a new worldwar?

To view the animation, click:  

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Announcement :: Peace

Call to Action for Youth

Calling all youth to NYC Feb. 15 to stand for peace. They call us irresponsible and shallow, but we're the ones who will be picking up the pieces of this imperialist war. Let's speak out against their war-mongering!

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News :: International Relations

Our arms of precision!

We are quite human warlords

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Announcement :: International Relations

US militarism and imperialism 1776 to present

The American "Peace" project - - is an online resource detailing American imperialism and militarism from 1776 to present.

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Commentary :: Middle East : War in Iraq

Iraq war, starting shot of a new worldwar

To view the animation, click:  

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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism

Stop the war/capitalism/imperialism -Left Turn -Feb 3

Stop the war!!!

We would like to discuss:
• The capitalist and U.S. imperialist roots of the unjust war on Iraq
• How we can stop the drive to war
• The need to challenge capitalism and imperialism

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Commentary :: Peace

POSTER: Petroleum Geologist predicted U.S. Oil War

If you watch this lecture video, you will get a chill down your spine when you realize that the current economic and military situation was appreciated and predicted more than two years ago by a petroleum geologist!

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News :: Latin America

Human Rights Activists On Trial for Action at SOA

Defendants Aim to Expose Double Standard in War on Terrorism, Put SOA and
US Foreign Policy on Trial

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