Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Activism

Stop the war/capitalism/imperialism -Left Turn -Feb 3

Stop the war!!!

We would like to discuss:
• The capitalist and U.S. imperialist roots of the unjust war on Iraq
• How we can stop the drive to war
• The need to challenge capitalism and imperialism
All invited to attend Left Turn Baltimore’s first meeting at:

7 p.m. Monday February 3
Student Union Building, Towson University
On Cross-Campus Drive at 8000 York Rd.

A better world is possible! Left Turn is a national network of anticapitalists and revolutionary socialists who meet regularly to discuss issues facing the global justice movement: war, globalization, imperialism, racism, workers’ rights.
Please Join Us!!!

for more information, please contact:
Penny Howard

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