Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

News :: Globalization

Bush Daddy Crop

It's like Bush Daddy has been farming poopheads. Note: Baltimore IMC still makes my computer go haywire, and it is impossible to access other IMC sites after posting in Baltimore.
My Daddy said that one has to understand the dummkopf Nazi method of expansion in the same way as the farmer understands crop production(2 Tim. 2:6). When people understand the mode of action that enables the stupidity of the Nazis to thrive, it will help assure that the gathered Nazis of Bush Daddy Tribe will not get away, none will escape(Mic. 2:12; 179472; Amos 9:1-4). Lets take a look at how a dummkopf Nazi thug like Ivy Thompson(see PPS; 230127), one of the most persistent panhandlers, was able to continually pester the non-Nazis of Ithaca even though he had a 14 page rap sheet. Bush Daddy claims that "Bush Daddy Detachment"(205811) and "fedya guvmint thugs" would tutor this guy in how to pester people, and they would target anyone who complained about him. If Ivy Thompson left Ithaca and tried to do the same elsewhere, he would be immediately arrested and transported back to Ithaca where his criminal history was concealed by punk rogue police and the communication glitches in this area(190292). If you responded to Ivy Thompson's persistent begging according to his folly(Prov. 26:4), Ivy Thompson immediately became the poor persecuted client of the local "fedya guvmint thugs"(226737), and you ended up being persecuted and/or facing continuous thug harassment. This is a microcosm or a bird's-eye view of the dummkopf Nazi "Serpent"(132033), using Creative NonViolence(33468) to further the societal breakdown that allows the Nazis to rule.

To get a good idea of how such criminal behavior has become established, one should consider how the Storm Troopers of Germany established themselves in this country. They created the need for the Secret Service by having the thugs and hooligans among them create a chaotic scene in the government. They would threaten and/or kill anyone who opposed them in their quest for control of Secret Service. At the same time they would "dress for success" and masquerade as sweet caring protective agents of the law(79546). They would kill the "Jesus Freak Kid", JFK to further extend their power also. Up at Cornell there are Security Officers, doing a similar thing by impersonating police officers. These police impersonators contend that they can be criminal until they get taken to court or until somebody tells them not to(174299 & 192800). Anyone who tells them they are criminal is immediately targetted or eliminated. Communication glitches and control of the criminal justice system assures that they can stop anyone who opposes their lawlessness. No matter what you say, these dummkopf Nazis will continue with their criminal behavior and their stupid contentions that support it. The stupidest Nazis are the ones that can actually do this the best. In addition to the "fedya guvmint thug" dressed in a Secret Service Uniform that was chairing a meeting with the Cornell Police when I was abducted 12/18/2001 at Cornell(108404), it is probably true that many of these police impersonators had been in Secret Service Uniforms at the White House(27166). Bush Daddy reveals that these "fedya guvmint thugs" in Secret Service uniforms were a special "fedya guvmint thug" unit that was placed on duty at the White House whenever I was demonstrating at the Capitol, on the Mall, or at the White House in order to direct targetted people to my demonstrations(76394). Since these Nazis have been systematically eliminating anyone who responded favorably to my demonstrations; Secret Service probably feels that this justifies their role in Rigging the Messenger(76394), the chemical-spewing Eagle(194653), the blockage and/or destruction of my messages on IMC(151866), their Concealed Holocaust(35206), and the World Trade Center disaster(181226). The Niggardly Asinine Zionist Media(NAZM) has long been under "fedya guvmint thug" control. Bush Daddy reveals that President Rawlings of Cornell, marching with the "Brownshirts" in DC was part of a ruse to get Hitler to come tour Cornell without realizing that it was for the purpose of getting rid of Hitler and furthering dummkopf Nazi pursuits of Zion's Secret Police at Cornell.

Now the dummkopf Nazis believe that they can replace the known criminal Nazis with a new set of Nazi faces, for there is an endless cycle of betrayal and death that seems to have been jumpstarted by Hitler's death(Is. 33:1; 181226). By feeding all Nazis poop, the poophead practices of their dummkopf Nazi "covenant with death" ensures the unquestioning loyalty of all who have supported the dummkopfs(Is. 28:15; 166317). If these dummkopf Nazis of Bush Daddy Detachment(205811) are waiting throughout Bush Daddy Country(200807) to become legitimate as Secret Service did, it's not worth letting these punk rogue police live, especially if they have committed capital crimes while impersonating police officers. Since Secret Service is more loyal to the bogus state of Israel in the Middle East, that is where they belonged all along; but it's probably not worth letting them live either. The dummkopf Nazis of BDT that have supported Secret Service, both the legal and bogus branches, number in the millions; more than enough to make manifest the true Israel(93509). The dummkopf Nazi Israelite-wannabes that fall will be back in three days if they are Israelites(Hosea 6:2). Leave their bodies right there(Jer. 9:22). Maybe that will help motivate the rest of them to produce a better Bush Daddy Crop. Although the dummkopf Nazis may feel that all of the money being poured into Cornell is proof that the dummkopf Nazis are smart; Cornell's Big Red heritage should put the heads of the principle dummkopf Nazis on display. There's plenty more where they came from. It should be worth at least a Cornell professorship to erase Cornell's dummkopf Nazi image and promote crop production, for none will escape of all who are driven here by Joseph(45652).

As the storms of the Midwest track Bush Daddy's movement there(179472), keep in mind that is how the Lord is tracking a lot of other dummkopf Nazis, for His power is in the sky(Nahum 1:3). Since BDT has been dumping toxic levels of calcium on this place, I was looking for an old article that mentioned the birth pains brought on by calcium in the water supply(Jer. 6:24), and I found "America Starts Here" 1/22/98, featuring a live Bush King(Hosea 10:3); and I promptly read it to the populace with the "dummkopf Nazis" inserted as the "stars" of the "revolt of Jacob"(Mic. 1:5). I will post that soon under the title of another massively-suppressed "gem" of Messenger effort from the era of paper; "Elijah is Here! Get It in Gear!" 12/5/95. You will find a current update at the end of those two articles. You can decide whether or not it's worth telling Bush Daddy's kid that it's all about disarming goosesteppers and empowering the Israelite-wannabes to make stupidity shine. It says right here in the Introduction to the Path That Leads to Life; "Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land: And I will make them one nation in the land on the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all; and they shall no more be two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all; Neither shall they defile themselves anymore with their idols, nore with their detestable things, nor with any of their transgressions; but I will save them out of their dwelling places, wherein they have sinned, and cleanse them: so shall they be my people, and I will be their God"(Ez. 37:21-23). And then the PTLTL begins with the first of 17? steps: Step #1 "I will bear the indignation of the Lord, because I have sinned against Him, until He plead my cause, and execute judgment for me; He will bring me forth to the light, and I shall behold His righteousness."(Mic. 7:9). Doesn't it sound like the dummkopf Nazis will have a jolly good time(Prov. 1:26)? I feel like seeking out a warmer clime if it's Bush Daddy "harvest-time".

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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenger

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