Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Peace

Call to Action for Youth

Calling all youth to NYC Feb. 15 to stand for peace. They call us irresponsible and shallow, but we're the ones who will be picking up the pieces of this imperialist war. Let's speak out against their war-mongering!
***please distirbute widely***

United for Peace and Justice is calling all youth, infants to teens, families and allies to come to NYC February 15 to demand a stop to the war on Iraq, and an end to ALL weapons of mass destruction EVERYWHERE. Please join us as we struggle for a future free of violence. As young people, we are impacted by the violence of war in many ways, from loved ones lost in battle to cuts in funding for organizations and projects which benefit us. Those of us in junior and high school with few job options must look to the military as a possible career, when the government could be funding true job-training efforts in our communities.
Let’s speak out against imperialism, war, and global militarism, taking a stand for ourselves, our families, our friends, and our futures. If you are a young person or a youth advocate, please spread the word about this important event to everyone you know. Buses will be heading to
NYC from all over, in addition to a huge turnout from the city itself, and we want the youth to be front and center. We can’t vote, so we need to make our voices heard in the streets!
For more information about the march, or transportation for youth and others to NYC, contact Darby Hickey, Youth Organizer, 202.986.2081 or; see the general call to action below and visit for updates.

The World Says No to War
Saturday, February 15th 2003 Noon
New York, New York

Saturday, February 15th will be a world-wide day of action against the Bush Administration's proposed war on Iraq. Protests are already being planned in Amsterdam, Antwerp, Athens, Bangkok, Barcelona, Belfast, Berlin, Berne, Brussels, Cairo, Copenhagen, Dublin, Glasgow, Helsinki,
Istanbul, London, Manila, Oslo, Paris, Ramallah, Rome, Skopje, Stockholm, Tallinn, Tokyo, Vienna, and Warsaw.

While demonstrations are taking place throughout the globe, JOIN US in New York City and San Francisco to show the depth and breadth of U.S. opposition to this war.

Details about the New York protest, including the location, are being negotiated with the New York Police Department and will be posted as soon as possible.

Here are some ways you can plug in now:

Outreach packets:
Outreach packets, with stickers, buttons, and posters, are available on request by writing to

Volunteer:Plug into our New York City volunteer network by writing to

General inquiries:
Call United for Peace & Justice at 646-473-8935
or email

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