Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


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Announcement :: Labor

REMINDER: Celebrate May Day in NJ!

Celebrate May Day in New Brunswick, NJ!

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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Class : Culture : Labor : Miscellaneous : Peace

Oh no! Another MayDay picnic!


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Announcement :: Miscellaneous

Wash. DC Anti-war WGs may form this weekend. Get in on the ground floor!

At the conference during the weekend strategic planning sessions many proposals will be discussed and some may immediately begin to form working groups. If you are in support of any of the proposals and think they should be national actions or programs this is the place to show your support.

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Announcement :: Environment

stop the dirty air war at home, 300 Sept 11s is enough

Public pressure needed to stop energy companies from killing thousands of people.

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News :: Elections & Legislation : Environment

Green Ejected For Collecting Signatures; Suburbs May Be Hazardous To Your Health

Green news and opion updated daily

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LOCAL Review :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Civil & Human Rights : Military : War in Iraq

Some thoughts about the Baltimore to DC March


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News :: [none]

Baltimore to Washington DC Anti-War March

Anti-war protesters marched from Baltimore to Washington DC over a period of three days, stopping in Jessup and University Park, to protest the effects of the war on Iraq on the poor and working class. More than 100 participated in the April 26-28 march. The protest was organized by the Baltimore Anti-War Coordinating Committee.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Labor

Towson University May Day Event

May Day at Towson University

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Announcement :: Protest Activity

May 4 - National Youth Protests Against War - NYC & Kent State

Not In Our Name Youth and Students are calling for a National Youth Convergence in NYC in solidarity with the Kent State Anti-War Committee's second annual protest against the "War on Terror" on the anniversary of the killing of 4 Kent students during a protest against the Veitnam War.

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Announcement :: Drugs : Health Care

Why Interderon's Do Not Work and Boosting the Immune System Does

Scientists at two Texas universities have discovered how hepatitis C virus thwarts immune system efforts to eliminate it.

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