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News :: [none]

The Week in Review: June 2-8

Week in Review

Sammy's bat broke, Martha may go broke, and meanwhile everybody is still shooting in Iraq, Afghanistan, Columbia, Israel, Palestine, Chechnya, and the Congo (not to mention the streets of DC and Baltimore). The publicly disclosed unemployment rate reached over six percent last month...And this week in history.


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Commentary :: Media

Martha Stewart "Media Gallery" Art Should Be Posted at Free Republic, or By Rush Limbaugh, Not Featured at Baltimore.indymedia

Who edits the Baltimore.indymedia gallery? BOB Ehrlich?

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Commentary :: U.S. Government

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: WMDs and Santa Claus; Friendly Advice to CIA/FBI Folk; the New KKK; Front Group Aims to Crumple Road Map; Google Anti-Semitic?

News, Notes, and Nonsense from inside the Bush Reich

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Announcement :: Media

Free Speech TV Needs Your Help!

Tell Direct TV to carry Free Speech TV. Working with activists and artists, Free Speech TV uses television to cultivate an informed and active citizenry in order to advance progressive social change. Most Americans get their news from TV. Help decide what we get to watch.

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Announcement :: Media


A Call to Converge on October 10-11, 2003 In Burlington, Vermont

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News :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Gender and Sexuality : Protest Activity

Gay / Lesbian / Bisexual / Transgender community awaits Supreme Court ruling

In the land of the free, what business does the government have in your bedroom? Can gay celibacy be imposed by law? Supreme court to decide Texas Sodomy case. GLBT community prepares to celebrate or protest.

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Announcement :: Globalization

Texts on Proudhon in 2003

Texts on Proudhon in 2003

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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

BTL:Plowshares Action Targets Warships in New York Harbor

Interview with Mark Colville, Plowshares peace activist, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Not in the jury's name

The Governor of Tennessee must stop an execution scheduled for 18 June in his state because he cannot rely on the jury's original sentencing decision, Amnesty International said today, releasing a

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News :: Activism


As supporters of democracy, we must demand that President Bush and the American government truly and justly speak out for self-determination and sovereignty for Palestinians on their own land.

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