Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: U.S. Government

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: WMDs and Santa Claus; Friendly Advice to CIA/FBI Folk; the New KKK; Front Group Aims to Crumple Road Map; Google Anti-Semitic?

News, Notes, and Nonsense from inside the Bush Reich
Bush, Rumsfeld, and Blair KNEW well before War there were No WMDs
in Iraq

The BBC reports that a “secret September 2002 Pentagon intelligence report
concluded that there was "no reliable information" that Iraq had biological or chemical
weapons. It is believed the report was widely circulated in the Bush administration
at a time when senior officials were putting the case for military
action...the 80-page report from the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) will only
fuel the controversy over alleged Iraqi weapons of mass destruction (WMD). It
undermines Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's claim at the time that Iraq had
amassed large stockpiles of nerve agent and mustard gas. US forces have not yet
found any WMD in Iraq. Two suspect mobile laboratories have been located but
have not provided any proof of banned weapons programmes. "

We WILL Find Evidence of WMDs - and While We’re At It, We Can Also Prove
Santa Claus Exists!

The argument defending the Bush administration’s trumped up case against Iraq is
sounding more and more pitiful. “But we’ve only searched HUNDREDS of sites so
far!” “And well….look at those empty trailers! There MAY have been stuff in there
SOME TIME!” “Well, he probably moved them SOMEWHERE OUTSIDE

IRAQ…but you just wait! They’ll turn up SOME DAY!”.

So we go from Bush and Rummy swaggering before the cameras like Rambo
wannabes (“Yer time’s up, Saddam!”) to Condi Rice whining plaintively to George
Stephanopolous on ABC’s This Week about empty trailers and how it was (implied
anyway) all Tony Blair’s fault we used forged WMD “proof.”. Rice’s voice
quavered so badly on key statements that a forensic voice analyst wouldn’t even
have needed a printout to tell she was lying.

The fall back position of the Bush Reich now is that if we search enough places for
enough years we WILL eventually find WMD evidence….and in the meantime, you
can’t say for sure they AREN’T there! That’s like saying that you can’t say for
sure there’s no such thing as Santa Claus just because we haven’t found him yet! All
we gotta do is keep looking….if we don’t find him on TOP of the ice at the
North Pole, well, then that mean’s he’s gone underground! And if we dig enough
holes in the ice and still can’t find him, well…that just means he’s moved his
operation to Antarctica or Switzerland or somewhere! Or maybe he’s passed all
those toys on to elves holed up somewhere else. Yep, as soon as

we turn up a toy or two in Lithuania or New Guinea, that’ll be all the proof we need!

What I am REALLY mystified by, quite frankly, is that with all the pressure now
being placed on Bush & Co. to turn up proof of weapons of mass destruction, that
they haven’t managed to successfully plant any yet. This truly is a mystery.
However, I suspect that the problem is that the number of people now willing to lie
on record to the American people, especially under the world’s now skeptical and
very watchful eye, is growing slimmer by the day. Afterall, you need more than one
or two callous liars to successfully plant WMD evidence. You need a whole chain of
not just liars, but people who are willing to be accomplices to murder.
Planting evidence is providing, retroactively, the murder “weapon” responsible for
the deaths of over 3,000 Iraqis and nearly 200 Americans. It is the same thing as
watching someone shoot an unarmed man down in cold blood, then planting a
weapon in the dead man’s cold hand and claiming self defense. While people like
Rumsfeld, Rice, Bush and Cheney may have no problem with this, their
psychopathology is, thank God, not the norm. So, I suspect the delay we are seeing
right now is the time required to beg, bribe, threaten, or otherwise “convince”
enough people to participate in a WMD planting scheme.

Condi Rice hinted today at the direction things are going in Bush Reichland. First,
knowing full well that the “empty trailer” ruse had been thoroughly discredited,
Rice repeated the lie, mentioning the empty trailer as “possible proof” of WMDs.
This is number one principle of Nazi propaganda: repeat the lie as often as possible,
and eventually the lie is all the ignorant will remember. Just like Hitler, the Bush
administration folk hold their own staunchest followers in total contempt – in their
view, these followers are ignorant chattel eager to be manipulated and lied to. So, look
for the lies to be repeated more insistently in the coming days. Secondly, as
there is no honor among these thieves, look for “bodies” to start being hurled
overboard from the sinking ship. Rice hinted that Tony Blair is going to be made a
major fall guy. When she discussed the forged nuclear WMD evidence report, she
made it a point to link the “bad evidence” to Britain, and thus Blair. You watch –
instead of Tony Blair having been led down the wrong road by Bush, Bush will
make it appear that Blair was the one who misled HIM!

Also, expect to see few if any higher level and/or white Bush administration
officials or spokespeople making statements on Iraq. Already, we are no longer
seeing Rumsfeld making statements for the Pentagon. Why? Because as the
necessary lies become more detectable, the “inner circle” of white “officials” will
not place themselves in the position of lying on record. Instead, they will let others
take that fall. Lower-level officials are showing up more, while Rice and
Powell, the two nonwhite members of the regime have been making a
disproportionate number of statements on record.

Bush Call to FBI and CIA Officers for Intelligence Is a Set Up and a Trap:
Some Friendly Advice to Intelligence Officers

On meet the press, it was pointed out that many months ago, Bush put out a call to all
FBI/CIA people who had information on the status of Iraq’s WMD program or its
ties to Al Queda to come forward. I have pieced together a pretty good picture
of what actually happened. When these intelligence workers came forward with
evidence that suggested the WMD program had been dismantled or evidence
proving there were no ties between Iraq and Al Queda, Bush made their information
“disappear.” If the FBI and CIA people were too insistent that their info be taken
seriously, they were “reassigned” or, in extreme cases, forced by unacceptable
circumstances to resign. The few who came forward with scant shreds of
information that could be “amplified” and “doctored” sufficiently to represent
“proof” of Iraq’s WMDs or Al Queda ties were asked to “creatively rewrite” their
statements in way tailored to Bush’s needs. If these people refused to do so, they
also were “reassigned” or forced into resignation (some I believe may have been fired later on various pretexts).

In short, Bush’s call for intelligence was a set up and a trap. Today, Stephanopolous
asked Condi Rice if intelligence officers came forward now with evidence
against WMDs or to tell of being pressured to invent or doctor evidence, would the administration
insure that these officers not face retaliation? VERY TELLINGLY,
Rice said yes, please come forward - but she DID NOT AFFIRM that there would
be no retaliation. In short, this call is yet another set up and trap. My advice to those
brave CIA and FBI folk eager to have the truth known is to contact Jan Fermon in Brussels, Belgium, the activist lawyer (above the touch of Bush bucks) who is attempting
to bring war crimes charges against the Bush administration. Other safe/neutral contacts
would be :

Jan Fermon
Brussels, Belgium
Lawyer representing Iraqi citizens versus Tommy Franks (i.e., vs Bush Administration)

International Campaign against Impunity
(dedicated to making sure that money and influence cannot place anyone above the law)
Michael Schmitt - Coordinator
16 Whippingham Street
Brighton / BN2 3LL
United Kingdom
Tel. 0044-1273-671536

Coalition for the International Criminal Court

CICC Contact Info
777 UN Plaza, NY, NY
USA 10017
ph: 1 (212) 687-2176
fax: 1 (212) 599-1332

Universal Jurisdiction Information Network

UJ Info
87 Vauxhall Walk, 3rd Floor
London SE11 5HJ
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20 7793 1777
Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 1719

142 rue Montmartre F-75002 Paris
Tel: + 33 1 44 88 26 10
Fax: + 33 1 44 88 26 15
Plan d'accès
Editor in Chief
Maurice Botbol
Tel: +33 1 44 88 26 16

Editor: Guillaume Dasquié (co-author of "The Forbidden Truth")
Tel: +33 1 44 88 26 18

Corporate Front Group ALERT!!!

These rightwing corporate front groups pop up faster than toadstools on rotting wood!
Here's yet another one: the grandiose-sounding Foundation for the Defense of
Democracies. But the only interests this foundation is seeking to defend are
corporate interests abroad and at home. In fact, they seem to be actively promoting
the conquest, through military aggression, of the entire Middle-East/Central Asian
region. This site is loaded with Bush administration propaganda, including a "press
release" section that is a smorgasbord of phony polls - one stop shopping for purveyors of propaganda.

The top honcho of this outfit is none other than Mr. Money himself, Steve Forbes
(nope, no corporate interests here!). Guess who the FDD's "esteemed advisor" is?
Corporate flimflam artist/fraud Newt Gingrich!! Also on their board is rightwing
journalist/admitted Zionist Bill Kristol, Zionist/rightwingut Richard Perle
disgraced fraud artist), R. James Woolsey (former CIA chief), Gary Bauer
(who is on the board of several rightwing front groups), Republican party
spokesman and propaganda manager Clifford May, and a cast that includes three
Democrats who can now be confidently labeled Blue Dogs (as in Republicans
disquised as Democrats): Zell Miller, Frank Lautenberg, and Elliot Engel.

According to sources reporting to Intelligence Online, the FDD is now actively working to
undermine the Roadmap to Peace. They DO NOT WANT PEACE in the Middle
East. They want Conquest and peace and lack of terrorism does not serve their
purpose. The fact that this group was founded shortly after 9/11 should send off
buzzers and bells BIG TIME. If fighting terrorism was their alleged excuse for being, then why would they be AGAINST the Road Map, which, if actually put into
effect, would STABILIZE the Middle East? And why would their site be full of
fear- and hate- inspiring articles and and bogus polls (example: Americans
Increasingly Link Iran, Syria, and Saudi Arabia to Terrorism )?

Bios of FDD folks

Pro-hawk poll selection

Is Google Anti-Semitic?

Google supposedly has maintained a policy of refusing to run links with
hateful/obscene content and racial epithets. However, this policy does not appear to
extend to anti-semitic comments.

As my regular readers know, sometime back, I discovered that my article on Henry
Kissinger, written back in 2001, had been picked up by persons unknown and posted
in my name at the India Indymedia. The saboteur wrote a short summary, signing

my name to it, which referred to Henry K. as a "grubby Jew." Of course, I
never wrote this (my great grandfather, for one thing, was a Jew), and inserted a
comment into the Indy media site complaining of this "malicious identity theft."

Which leads me to google. The link to the phony posting was listed in google not once
but SEVERAL TIMES. And, the link included the slur, "grubby Jew." I wrote to
google not just to complain about the racial epithet, but to ask why they chose to
post that link several times, while omitting links to other, more widely circulated
sites running my articles. They wrote back a note several days later saying they'd
discuss it on the phone. I wrote back and said that first I needed their policy on
listings and on racial epithets IN WRITING. I again demanded that they remove the
"grubby Jew" link. About two years ago, when I demanded that they remove a link
that used an anti-feminist slur ("Bimbo"), within days the slur was deleted.

Now, however, it has now been some days since my second request. I have received
nothing in writing and the anti-Semitic comment remains - posted not just once but
SEVEN TIMES - as if google wanted to make sure it was seen.

The New KKK Is Alive and Well and Based in Washington, D.C.

I just saw Carol Mosely Braun on Meet the Press – which aired at the odd time of 8:00
am on 6/8 instead of the usual 11:00 am. The alleged reason was to accommodate a
tennis match. However, I suspect another motive for this change of time was to
make sure a minimum number of Americans saw the eloquent, courageous Braun. It
was also to make sure that a minimum number of Americans saw the statements of
Carl Levin (who appeared before Braun did). Levin discussed, in no uncertain terms,
the implications of the newly released news that Bush, Rumsfeld et al. had solid
Pentagon Intelligence info in 2002 that stated that there WAS NO EVIDENCE

The Meet the Press host Tim Russert is one of the biggest jokes of a “journalist” on a
major “news” show today. He is so stuffed with extra cocktails from the Kalorama
Kocktail Klub circuit (see below) and belligerence that his face is starting to look as
if someone blew it up with a martini-fume-driven bicycle pump. Russert lets all of
his good buddies like Cheney, Rumsfeld, Condi Rice, et al. go on and on
unchallenged, spewing lies to the American public and counterspinning any leaks of
reality that may have come out during the previous week. By contrast, on those rare
occasions when anyone who challenges “the Reich” appears on his show, he bullies
and interrupts them, putting words in their mouths or twisting or cutting off their
responses to smears. He was a vicious prick to Mosely-Braun. While he defended
the murderous lies of the Bush administration to Levin, he threw one unsubstantiated
smear after the other at Mosely-Braun. For example, he brought up the accusation
that she had missed her Senatorial orientation. She clearly, flatly, unequivocally said
this was a lie (a lie, by the way, concocted by that modern Goebbels, Karl Rove –
whose entire BODY looks like it was blown up with a martini-fume-driven bicycle
pump!). She even referred to a newspaper photo in which she is shown AT THE
ORIENTATION, lined up with all the other attendees. But Russert used the classic
Nazi tactic: keep repeating the lie, over and over to make sure the lie, rather than the truth
is what is impressed in the viewer’s mind. FIVE TIMES he force-fed viewers
the same lie. Mosely-Braun kept her cool and pointed out that her RECORD (as opposed
to balloon face’s overpaid mouth) shows the truth.

In short, Russert did not give Mosely-Braun any chance to outline her position on any
issue of importance to the American people. When she said she felt that the Iraq war
was a “misadventure” conducted by a president who, having failed to win the
majority vote of the American people, hardly had a mandate to send Americans to
fight and die in a war that DID NOT contribute to fighting terrorism in a meaningful
way (where is Osama? Where is Saddam?), Russert made the statement: “So, do you
wish Saddam was still in power?” What an idiotic thing to say! That’s simply a
rephrasing of the asshole line “You’re with us or against us.” But that’s the hateful,
two-dimensional mentality of Russert and his puppetmasters.

So what is the Kalorama Kocktail Klub? In short, it is the new KKK. Named for the
swank Kalorama bedroom area of Washington D.C. where Cheney, Russert, and
other players and minions of the Bush regime live and/or play, this group consists of
corporate schmoozers, intriguers and hanger-on-ers dedicated to furthering their own
interests at the expense of everyone else in the country. They gather, cocktails in
hand, in the ballrooms or bars or five-star hotels or the posh homes various
powerbrokers – last week they were at the Washington Hilton – a mutual admiration
society of sellouts – journalistic sellouts, political sellouts, and moral sellouts of
every stamp. Moving in this circle are people like Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld,
Paul Wolfowitz, Dennis Hastert, the entire upper echelon of the Washington Post’s
management, Ted Olson, Tom Delay, Cokie Roberts, Tim Russert, Tom Brokaw,
Michael and Colin Powell, Bill Kristol, Juan Williams, Condi Rice, bigwigs from
the American Enterprise Institute, Heritage Foundation, Club for Growth, and other
corporate front groups, Tony Blankely, execs from Bechtel, Halliburton,
ExxonMobil, Phillip Morris, and other megacorporations, etc. ad nauseum.

Isn’t calling them the KKK a little strong, you might ask? Why? While the old KKK
trashed civil rights of local minorities with burning crosses, lynch mobs, and secret
meetings in the woods, the new KKK trashes the civil rights of everyone beyond
their circle with policies crafted by stealth via emails, phone calls, four-martini
power lunches and cocktail parties. While the old KKK openly avow their racist,
ultrarightwing ideology, the new KKK hides their racist, ultrarightwing ideology
beneath a shallow veneer of “diversity,” parading phony “liberals” like Cokie
Roberts, Dick Gephardt or Juan Williams or sellout “minorities” like Juan Williams
(the dual purpose token), J.C. Watts, or Condi Rice. While the old KKK, motivated
by the warped passion of fanatacism, murdered hundreds of individuals over the
course of several decades, the new KKK, motivated by cold, hard greed, has
produced the murder of nearly 10,000 in just 18 months. While the old KKK hides
behind white sheets, implying some sense of shame for their actions, at least on
some inner level, the new KKK preens and parades, sans conscience, before the
media – a media they now own.

Very tellingly, the most recent KKK schmooze fest, held at the Washington Hilton on
June 4, was entitled “the Radio and Television Correspondent’s Dinner”. The
dinner, usually an annual event for broadcasters, had originally been scheduled for
March, but was postponed supposedly because of the war. But the new date, of all
possible dates, was hardly an accident – less than 48 hours after Michael Powell and
the two other KKK reps on the FCC seized overwhelming control of the media. As a
result, the dinner, which hosted 2,200 media notables, was, in essence, a celebratory
feast. What an outrageous insult to the nation – to ignore the will of the
overwhelming majority of all Americans by voting to give away our airways to a
few corporate barons – then to actually hold a glittery dinner in which the nation’s
broadcasters are paraded before the Bush Reich corporazis like newly acquired

Imclone Case Smells More and More Like a Hatchet Job by the Bush Family

Right on schedule today (June 4), Martha Stewart is dragged back
onto page one of the Washington Post the SAME DAY that the news breaks
that yet another criminal in the ENRON case, John Fornay, has been arrested and charged
with federal crimes. Fornay helped rig the California energy
crisis - a crisis that ended up causing horrendous hardships for many citizens,
especially the poor and/or sick, and/or elderly. Many people, unable to pay the inflated
bills, lost their power and even their homes. Yet who does the Post put on page one?
Martha Stewart, who APPEARS to have sold her stock in Imclone as
it was headed down. If this is such a horrendous crime or national proportions,
why haven't they arrested G. W. Bush for the same crime, committed
in the early 1990s (he dumped Harken stock worth several times more than Stewart's Imclone
shares on an inside tip - and, unlike Stewart, he was on the company's board!). But you want fair,
you better find another country - at least for now.

I have talked about the "Stewart/ENRON" phenomonon before -
scroll down on this page and you will find the story - how her case was trumped up by Bush's SEC to
create a high-profile smokescreen for ENRON, which broke about the same time.

But now it seems the story goes much deeper than that - and may be much uglier.
Now medical evidence suggests that, as Sam Waskal (Imclone's CEO) claimed all along,
Erbitux (the colon cancer drug being developed by Imclone) really does seem to be
effective after all. If you will recall, Imclone was almost ruined
when the FDA suddenly and inexplicably pulled the rug out from under them,
claiming they needed more and better documentation (after never hinting of such a
need for many months). Fishier still, the real hammer
that knocked Imclone down was a story "leaked" by "someone" in the FDA
to the Cancer Journal that the FDA might not approve Erbitux.

Well, now I find in a little poking that about the same time that Imclone was being
knocked out of the running temporarily, another competing drug, Eloxatin, produced
by Sanofi Synthelabo was being developed that was just a few months behind Erbitux.
Thanks to the FDA about face on Erbitux, Eloxatin sprinted to market first.
Not just sprinted, but was RAMMED to market. In fact,
no other drug in the history of the FDA was ever pushed
through the approval process faster (7 weeks, with FDA employees working round the clock
By August, 2002, Eloxatin was on the market, while Imclone was still tied up in its high-profile,
trumped up,case. It should also be noted that Eloxatin, generic name Oxaplatin
was not given approval for the same use in Europe, including the UK
because of concerns of its safety versus effectiveness. Yet it was pushed
through by the Bush machine in just 46 days. It's advantage? Just that Sanofi Synthelabo has
contributed more in various ways to the MD Anderson Cancer Center than Imclone.
As my previous article noted, the older Bushes are on the Anderson board, as was Ken Lay.
Another prominent Anderson figure: the FDA's head of cancer drug approval, Richard Padzur.


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