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BTL:Plowshares Action Targets Warships in New York Harbor

Interview with Mark Colville, Plowshares peace activist, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
Plowshares Action Targets Warships in New York Harbor

Interview with Mark Colville, Plowshares peace activist, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

On May 25, as hundreds of tourists were sightseeing aboard battleships in New York Harbor for the city's annual "Fleet Week" celebration, four peace activists hammered on missile launch hatches and threw their own blood on the deck of the guided missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea. In a statement released by the religious activists, they said, "With hammers, we have initiated the process of disarming this battle ship, of transforming this carrier of mass destruction into a vessel for peace." The ship was the first U.S. Navy vessel to launch missiles on Afghanistan in 2001. Calling themselves the Riverside Plowshares were Brian Buckley of Virginia, Mark Colville of Connecticut, Joan Gregory of New York, and Sister Susan Clarkson of England. All are members of Catholic Worker communities, which espouse non-violent direct action against militarism in support of the poor.

Although the four were arrested, they were not charged and after a few hours in custody they were released. During more than two decades of Plowshares peace protests, more than 150 people have participated in at least 70 actions in several countries that have targeted a range of weapons and delivery systems. Plowshares activists have served prison terms averaging one to two years, with the longest sentence being 18 years.

Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Plowshares activist Mark Colville at his home in New Haven, Conn., after his release by New York City police. He describes the recent action in New York Harbor and his philosophy of non-violent resistance.

For more information on the Plowshares movement, visit

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