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News :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : Gender and Sexuality

DC Forum: Uniting Against Brutality

40thanniversary.gifSpeaking out against the recent attacks on transgendered women in DC, panelists at a forum Thursday urged the diverse audience members to join together in the face of the violence. In the past week, two women have been killed and a third victim is in critical condition; two of the attacks were on Wednesday night. Report by Baltimore activists.

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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

A Plea for Systemic Strategies

If we are to defeat the systems of oppression, we must in fact combat the very systems themselves.

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Announcement :: Globalization

Where Is The Love? The Question of the Artists, Blackeyed Peas

--The fundamental problem (as I see it) is that there are thousands of people out there yearning for change, but who lack the resources and information to make it happen--Jeanette Wallis, The Walk for Democracy

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Announcement :: Globalization

Where Is The Love? The Question of the Artists, Blackeyed Peas

--The fundamental problem (as I see it) is that there are thousands of people out there yearning for change, but who lack the resources and information to make it happen-Jeanette Wallis, The Walk for Democracy

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Commentary :: War in Iraq

BTL:Military Families Call for End to Iraq Occupation and...

...Return Home of U.S. Troops.Interview with Susan Schuman, Military Families Speak Out, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

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News :: Civil & Human Rights


Mumia is in bad health.

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LOCAL Commentary :: Baltimore MD : Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Drugs : Urban Development

Unbelievable Baltimore

Critique of the "Baltimore Believe" campaign from the upcoming Street Voice, # 74, Fall 2003

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Commentary :: International Relations

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: US Tries Again to Topple Venezuelan Government, Dollar Takes Hit in China, Argentina Goes after War Criminals

News and notes from inside the Bush Reich

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News :: International Relations


It's even not easy to die for lying assholes far away from the frontline

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News :: Elections & Legislation


Dean's appointment of Vermont Attorney General Sorrell and Sorrell's criminal violation of civil rights law and bribery cover-up.

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