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CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: US Tries Again to Topple Venezuelan Government, Dollar Takes Hit in China, Argentina Goes after War Criminals

News and notes from inside the Bush Reich
The Bush Cartel and Its Rogue CIA Agents Try Once More to Remove Venezuela's Democratically Elected Leader

Yep, the oil barons are getting desperate. Unable to get that easy flow of oil from Iraq afterall, now they are turning their attention to other oil countries. Like Venezuela, the number 5 producer of oil on Earth. Trouble is, the democratically elected leader there, Hugo Chavez, has this zany notion that Venezuelan oil ought to belong to Venezuelans. He also doesn't think that the world begins and ends with the US dollar and has in fact considered switching to the Euro as its oil-trading base currency.

So, of course, the Bush Cartel wants to get rid of Chavez. An assassination attempt some time back failed. So did a CIA-engineered coup in 2002 (exposed by the President of Uraguay). So now the Cartel is trying to engineer a California-style recall of Chavez. And, while this is going on, guess what oily rat of the underworld happens to be on the scene, next door in Colombia? Yep, Donald Rumsfeld, the master of corporate evil and deceit. The bad news is that this is yet another show of how amoral and ruthless the Bush Cartel and NeoCons really are -no nation with assets they want can escape their twisted reach. The good news is, it is obvious the Cartel is getting desperate, to turn its attention back to Venezuela and to use such a transparent strategy (as if no one could guess where the recall idea originated!!).

This is from today's Newsday:

"Opponents of Hugo Chávez turned in 2.7 million signatures yesterday to demand a referendum on ending his tumultuous presidency, but the Venezuelan leader vowed the only recall this year would be in California," reports Newsday. "Hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans took to the streets chanting "Chávez, go!" in the first large opposition protest since a two-month strike failed to topple the leftist leader earlier this year. Their pursuit of a referendum renews a power struggle that promises more unrest in the world's No. 5 oil exporter. During a visit to Argentina, Chávez vowed to defeat any bid to remove him and insisted the signatures were fake.",0,5377481.story

Expect the Next Rogue CIA Operation and Rumsfeld/Powell mission to be focused in Shanghai

Why? Because this week, Chinese investors in Shanghai did the unthinkable - they dumped the dollar in favor of the yuan (Chinese currency unit)....$5 BILLION worth. If the yuan, as investors are betting, starts to increase in strength, a domino effect against the dollar will follow, with billions more being converted to yuan. So, expect Rummy, Powell, or some other Bush henchman to be sent to China within the next 10 days.

Here's the dollars-to-yuan story in Asia

"Some holders of $5 billion in dollar- denominated stock traded in Shanghai are selling the shares and converting the proceeds to yuan, betting the government will allow the currency to appreciate, traders say. Shanghai's B-share index, which tracks U.S. dollar stocks, fell yesterday to the lowest since the Chinese government opened the B-share market to domestic investors 2 1/2 years ago. It's slumped about 15 percent since a report by Goldman Sachs Group Inc. in mid-June touched off a global debate about the yuan's value. ``Some investors are selling B shares to switch their dollars into yuan because they believe the yuan will strengthen,'' said Eric Fang, a trader at Guotai Junan Securities Co. in Shanghai."

Now, here's an interesting question to ponder:

What do Venezuela, North Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and Syria have in common?

ANSWER: 1. All have either switched their international trade base from dollars to Euros, or have proposed doing so in the past few years. 2. All Have become targets of the Bush "war on terror" and/or CIA-style destabilization operations (Venezuela and Syria).

Time for Kissinger to Join His Pal Cheney in the Bunker

As the Bush Cartel racks up new human rights offenses throughout the globe, past "dirty chickens" are coming home to roost...

Henry Kissinger, an advisor to the Bush Cartel, whose firm is rumored to be one of the "secret names" on Cheney's energy task force list, is a monster. That he has not been hunted down and arrest, shot or hung is a testament to the power of cash and connections. But his past keeps cropping up, and the nooses cast his way. Now Argentina plans to repeal amnesty for perpetrators and engineers of the hideous "Dirty War" of the 1970s. And one of those engineers, hiding as ever in the wings, urging others on to commit atrocities, was Kissinger.

"Under prodding from the country's new president, Argentina's Senate voted overwhelmingly on Thursday to revoke a pair of longstanding amnesty laws that have protected hundreds of military officers [and others] from prosecution for the kidnapping, torture and killing of opponents and critics during the "dirty war" here in the 1970's," reports the International Herald Tribune, " The senators voted 43 to 7, to support the legislation. As many as 30,000 people are estimated to have disappeared and died during the military dictatorship that ruled this country from 1976 to 1983. The day before the lower house vote, Kirchner also announced that Argentina would sign a UN convention that eliminates any statute of limitations on war crimes and crimes against humanity."

To read about Kissinger's role in the Dirty War, see

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