Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Globalization

Where Is The Love? The Question of the Artists, Blackeyed Peas

--The fundamental problem (as I see it) is that there are thousands of people out there yearning for change, but who lack the resources and information to make it happen-Jeanette Wallis, The Walk for Democracy
Come on over to a new thought structure of a deep democracy that fulfills all human needs, and cut loose from a system that no longer works for the people, and is fighting against humanity. The problem is too big to change from within.

It is time now to build a new model that frees us all, and fulfills us all. See what life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is all about in a new choice and pathway that builds on the American Founders' dream.

Turn the struggle into a triumph and say goodbye to the status quo. Who needs them now. Don't fight them. Leave them. They have no right to give us our future and to be master of our destiny. Humanity is made of better stuff and for better things.

Creative forces surface and merge when the Planet is in need. You now have a choice in which way you want to take the Planet and the rest of the human race. It is indeed one world. Make it better. Make it yours.

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