Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Commentary :: Baltimore MD : Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Drugs : Urban Development

Unbelievable Baltimore

Critique of the "Baltimore Believe" campaign from the upcoming Street Voice, # 74, Fall 2003
Unbelievable Baltimore

If Mayor Martin O'Malley thinks he has started a groundswell of public discontent regarding the drug problems that the city of Baltimore, and countless other American cities face today, he had better look again. The Baltimore BELIEVE campaign is nothing short of ludicrous when examined in
the grim light of reality.

What good does it do to take a four year old boy and make him the foil in an attempt to bring the drug problem under control? The entire concept is
centered around the idea that those of us most affected by drug activity in the city should somehow be able to stop it, and the most glaring
statistic they have been able come up with is that most whites think blacks created the problem themselves.

The entire thing is an advertising campaign that fails to give one word to how the drugs get into our city, and who is responsible for bringing them
here. Not one word is spent on the business of drug distribution, nor is any truth being told regarding those who profit most from destroying the very fabric of our lives. Instead of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on T-Shirts and television, O'Malley should be focusing his energies and time on an educational system that no longer seems able to reinforce what we try to teach our children at home: the basic differences between right and wrong.

When is anyone in government going to realize that the War on Drugs is not just lost, but that it is hopelessly lost? Throwing pebbles at a giant
will never kill the giant. The problem, simply put, is that Baltimore's, and the rest of White America's past failures to properly educate poor
blacks has risen up to bite them in the ass. By not allowing us to grow into making well thought out choices through an educational system that
imparts equal knowledge to all, American Apartheid has managed to create the monster that now eats its own white children. And that, dear reader,
is the REAL problem that our Mayor faces. White Baltimore is in danger. The children of the rich are becoming hooked on drugs that we Blacks
can't even afford. We don't make Amphetamines, or Ecstasy just the same as we didn't make cocaine and heroin. But, now that little white boys
and girls are dying like flies, we need to BELIEVE that the solution lies
in us.

Bullshit, Mr. Mayor, the whole thing is bullshit. What you want us to BELIEVE and what we actually BELIEVE are miles away from being the same. We BELIEVE you have screwed us in the past. We BELIEVE you are screwing us now. And we BELIEVE you will screw us in the future.


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