Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


LOCAL Review :: Elections & Legislation

Surprise: "Smoking Bans" HELP Big Cig cartel.

Montgomery County, MD, is banning indoor smoking in public places. Big Cig is very pleased that no official demanded an analysis or description of this smoke. Otherwise, Big Cig and allies would be in Big Trouble.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Crime & Police : Crime & Police

Baltimore Speaks: A Cry for Justice that Transforms, Heals, and Liberates

A series of events focused on transforming the dialogue around the criminal justice system October 13-17, 2003. Opening luncheon Oct 13 with Delegate Salima Siler Marriott.

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Announcement :: Activism


The First Annual
One People, One Earth Parade
October 12th

All plants, animals, minerals are welcome to come join The First Annual One People, One Earth Parade/Festival/Gathering.

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Announcement :: Miscellaneous

Maoist Debate: Free Speech under Socialism

The following exchange was taken from the website over the question of Freedom of speech after revolution.

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Commentary :: U.S. Government

BTL:Critics Question Credibility of FBI Investigation into White House Leak...

...Exposing CIA Operative. Interview with Ray McGovern, retired CIA analyst, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

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Announcement :: Crime & Police

The Call for a National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression, and the Criminalization of a Generation


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LOCAL News :: Globalization

Baltimore CAGE Prepares for FTAA

The Baltimore Coalition Against Global Exploitation (CAGE) met Tuesday Oct. 7 to organize education and outreach efforts in anticipation of the November 20-21 ministerial meetings on the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) in Miami, FL. Saturday, November 1 has been identified as a Day of Education and Outreach on FTAA in Baltimore.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Crime & Police

Protest MD's death penalty -- Sat. Oct. 18th, 1 PM

Join abolitionists from across the region
as we protest outside MD's death row --
401 E. Madison St. in Baltimore, MD, 1 PM.

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Announcement :: Globalization

Globalization Debate Oct. 8, 7:30pm WAMU 88.5 FM

The Economist, The Nation, and WAMU 88.5 FM will host a debate following the recent breakdown of world trade talks in Cancun.

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Announcement :: Activism

VENUE ANNOUNCED!!! Rutgers University October 10-12 Palestine Solidarity Conference

VENUE ANNOUNCED!!! Rutgers University October 10-12 Palestine Solidarity Conference to be held at Ramada Inn, North Brunswick, NJ.

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