Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Crime & Police : Crime & Police

Baltimore Speaks: A Cry for Justice that Transforms, Heals, and Liberates

A series of events focused on transforming the dialogue around the criminal justice system October 13-17, 2003. Opening luncheon Oct 13 with Delegate Salima Siler Marriott.
Baltimore Speaks:

A Cry for Justice that Transforms, Heals and Liberates

A series of events focused on transforming the dialogue around the criminal justice system

October 13-17, 2003

Opening Luncheon with Delegate Salima Siler Marriott
Monday, October 13th
American Friends Service Committee, 4806 York Road
Lunch provided
Donations welcome

Tuesday, October 14th

Reading Peace: The Writings of Incarcerated Women and Men
Xando/Cosi, 3003 North Charles Street

Wednesday October 15th

Youth Poetry Slam: Justice: A Blind Goddess?
The Village Learning Place, 2521 St. Paul Street in Charles Village
Refreshments provided

Thursday October 16th

Ashanti Alston: An Overview of the Prison Industrial Complex
American Friends Service Committee
Brown bag

Critical Resistance Workshop
American Friends Service Committee
Refreshments provided

Friday October 17th

Ramona Africa and Eddie Conway (current political prisoner): Political Repression
American Friends Service Committee
Brown bag

Community Dialogue: The Police and the Criminal Justice System
Unity United Methodist Church, 1433 Edmondson Avenue
Refreshments provided

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