Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


News :: Labor


The Empire is Striking Back and So are Your Members and Ex Members

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Announcement :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Crime & Police : Drugs : U.S. Government

Nov. 5-8: 2003 Drug Policy Conference in East Rutherford, NJ

Reason - Compassion - Justice

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LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

Critical Mass Baltimore Ready for Halloween Ride

Come out and join Critical Mass Baltimore this Halloween!

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News :: Activism

Rutgers Palestine Conference Report

Rutgers Palestine Conference Report

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Announcement :: Media

Boycott the Fox News Channel (by Latuff)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Globalization

October 25: NO FTAA Towson - benefit show


October 25: NO FTAA Towson benefit show
(to send local folks to Maimi to battle the FTAA!)

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News :: Labor


Want the Real Truth about the Corruption Going on at SEIU ? Visit The Web Site Below to Find Out THE TRUTH about SEIU

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Announcement :: Activism


Please join us. is the forum that EVERY member and supporter of the 'AIDS' dissident cause should consider membership of as an imperative. is already the largest MSNBC 'HIV/AIDS' forum but is now on its way to being the largest 'AIDS' forum in the World (Dissident or Conventional). • Members from the USA, Canada, South Africa, China, Chile, France, Spain, Romanis, Korea, Thailand, Germany, Italy, and many other countries.

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News :: Peace

The today's answer is simple & bloody

pics from turkish embassy blast

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LOCAL Announcement :: Culture

Religion and Social Conflict

Research Associates Foundation presents the Second Ric Pfeffer Lecture on "Religion and Social Conflict" to be delivered by Professor Richard Rubenstein.

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