Announcement :: Activism
Please join us. is the forum that EVERY member and supporter of the 'AIDS' dissident cause should consider membership of as an imperative. is already the largest MSNBC 'HIV/AIDS' forum but is now on its way to being the largest 'AIDS' forum in the World (Dissident or Conventional). • Members from the USA, Canada, South Africa, China, Chile, France, Spain, Romanis, Korea, Thailand, Germany, Italy, and many other countries.
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The 10-year Padian study (1997) observed sexually active
couples in which one partner was HIV positive. The result: in 10 years, not
one uninfected partner contracted HIV, even though all participants admitted
to having sex without condoms. The study states, 'We followed up 175
HIV-discordant couples over time, for a total of approximately 282
couple-years of follow up. The longest duration of follow-up was 12 visits
(6 years). We observed no seroconversion [infection] after entry into the
study." In the three-year Stewart study (1985) not one male partner of
HIV-positive women contracted HIV. Prostitution is not even listed as an HIV
risk category by the CDC, because of the extremely low incidence of HIV
transmission to clients who have no other risk factors (i.e. drug abuse).
These findings bolster the hypothesis of some AIDS scientists that chronic
malnutrition and other environmental factors, and not a sexually-transmitted
virus, are the causes of weakened immunity in people diagnosed with one of
the nearly 30 AIDS-defining diseases (which vary from country to country).