Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

Critical Mass Baltimore Ready for Halloween Ride

Come out and join Critical Mass Baltimore this Halloween!
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Critical Mass Baltimore's Halloween ride is fast approaching. Is your bicycle in good condition?

On October 31 participants in Critical Mass are going to start meeting at 5:30 p.m. at Charles and Redwood Streets. (The location is near Charles and Lombard Streets.) The ride will probably kick off around 6:00 p.m. There will probably be a bunch of people who dress up for it so feel free to express yourself with a clever costume!

Critical Mass is a festival/protest that is held in numerous cities around the world. It is a slowly moving alternative to the Car Culture. It is civil disobedience designed to say no to unrestrained consumption of fossil fuels. It is about reclaiming public space. Participants send a message that is anti-oil wars, anti-SUVs, pro-public transportation and pro-public safety.

Riders get involved for different reasons. However, many Critical Massers in Charm City believe:

1. Baltimore desperately needs bicycle lanes;
2. This town is extremely dangerous for non-drivers;
3. B-More's air is very dirty; so bicyclists should be encouraged to ride downtown;
4. Baltimore needs more public transportation;
5. Local merchants would benefit if there were less car and more foot traffic.

In the interests of safety it is recommended that all who participates this Halloween have suitable reflectors, lights and wear light colored clothing. Helmets are always preferred. No one wants to see anyone get hurt.

Finally, Critical Mass Baltimore apologizes in advance to the motorists we inconvenience. Still, there remains an enormous amount of human suffering around the world that can be traced to America’s addiction to fossil fuels. Critical Mass Baltimore rides on the last Friday of every month in order to be a catalyst for necessary social change. Our ride is meant to be a fun and peaceful way to send the message that the Car Culture is not sustainable and does not contribute positively to our quality of life.

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