LOCAL Announcement :: Latin America
"Zapatista Rebellion 10 Years After: Potluck & Speakers"
11 Jan 2004
chuck d'adamo
"Zapatista Rebellion 10 Years After: Potluck & Speakers" on Tuesday, 13 January 2004 7:30-9:30 PM at Progressive Action Center.
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Prophecy 2004
11 Jan 2004
Brent Herbert
The following piece is intended to be 'inspirational', another attempt to share a 'virtual experience' you might say. In an attempt to save on disk space, I include links to one location. On Earth Day, April 22nd, 2001, I released a set of predictions describing how events would unfold up to and including the year 2004. Given how eerily accurate those prognostications turned out to be I anticipate that the predictions concerning 2004 will also follow the same pattern and come to pass.
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Announcement :: Activism
Join the National 9-11 Truth Movement
10 Jan 2004
Bill Douglas
Organizing around the innumerable anomalies connected with 9-11 is an excellent choice for activists. Remember, September 11th is our government's
Achilles Heel.
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The BoneHead Compendium, Vol 8
A weekly summary of worldly nonsense.
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LOCAL News :: Economy : Protest Activity
Protest: Ford Holds U.S. Hostage to Oil
10 Jan 2004
chuck d'adamo

Activists unfurled large banner down Los Angeles skyscraper to protest Ford Motor Company.
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CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: The Top Eleven Reasons Bush Wants to Go to the Moon and Mars
09 Jan 2004
Cheryl Seal
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Announcement :: Miscellaneous
We Are Resisting! Conference
Anti-Imperialist/Anti-Capitalist Conference June 30-July 3, 2004 in Lawrence, KS, followed by a day of action on July 4, in Leavenworth, KS.
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Did Israeli General Moshe Dayan Order the Attack on the Liberty?
A. Jay Cristol has acknowledged that the Israelis had properly identified the USS Liberty on the morning of the attack, June 8, 1967, but he alleges that “an error cycle” kicked in leading to its marking on the plotting table in Tel Aviv to be moved. What hogwash! Who moved it? Could it have been that one-eyed adulterer of an Israeli general, Moshe Dayan?
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