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Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (4/21)


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News :: Latin America

Venezuela; The Coup makers- The Invisible U.S. Hands

U.S. War in Venezuela

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Announcement :: Activism

Get info and become involved in DC-Baltimore region DNC-RNC protests: New listserves up


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Commentary :: U.S. Government

Oh, Say Can’t You See?

According to most polls, about 50% of Americans continue to look favorably upon President Bush. For heaven’s sake, why?? For the answer, read on.

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News :: Protest Activity

Now It’s the DRAFT

"A senior Republican lawmaker said Tuesday that deteriorating security in Iraq may force the United States to reintroduce the military draft. "

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LOCAL Announcement :: Media

Let's Get Alexander Cockburn in the Baltimore Sun!

For more balanced commentary, let's get CounterPunch co-editor Alexander Cockburn in the Baltimore Sun.

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LOCAL Commentary :: Activism : Culture : Labor

Woody and Michael: Review of "Woody Guthrie Dreams Before Dying"

WoodyGuthrieart.jpgA review of Michael Patrick Smith's "Woody Guthrie Dreams Before Dying." The play, performed at Baltimore's Creative Alliance in March, 2004, featured live music and Michael Smith in the lead role as Woody Guthrie.

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Announcement :: War in Iraq

Sen Hagel wants DRAFT, phone/Email him to say NO!

Phone at 202-224-4224, 402-758-8981. Email at

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Italian Activist Threatened With Extradition

Since 1981, 150 former Italian Activists have been legally residing in France. Some of them are now being unfairly threatened with extradition to Italy where they would immediately be sent to prison. Sign a petition to let them reside in France!

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (04/20/04)


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